Not for the Streets

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Anti looked around wildly. His fur stood on end and his tail bushed out.

It was dark and cold out, starting to snow. Even though he still had the mouse by him, he no longer cared.

He tried to listen for Jackie's voice but he couldn't hear anything.

Did he really care that he escaped? He said in the beginning he didn't like him!

His ears drooped sadly.

He started to shiver.

Looking around, he had NO idea where he was.

'Maybe I could look for a landmark? I usually glitch everywhere but I can't do that as a cat . . . .. I have no idea where to go from here'

The pads of his paws were starting to get too cold, 'I should start walking, though. Maybe Marvin would look for me?'

But he doubted it. If he were gone, why would Marvin waste his time looking for him to reverse the potion at all? It'd be one less thing off his plate. . .

Currently, he was in an alley and he walked out to the sidewalk.

Cars with the headlights on raced by on the streets. It was scary to see as a tiny cat.

'Actually. . . maybe I should just hunker down for the night and try and look in the morning?'

Anti licked his lips and snuck back into the alley where he had killed the mouse. It was still there, its body still warm. He decided to use that to his advantage and grabbed it in his mouth again.

He discovered the the corner of the dumpster by him had the least amount of wind and he curled up next to it in a tight little ball on top of the dead mouse, soaking in the last of its warmth.

He could have just ate it but he really didn't want to. He didn't feel up to it.

It took a while, but he finally fell asleep.

When he woke up in the morning, it was louder and even colder.

And he was really hungry now.

Looking down at the dead mouse he still had, his stomach growling was starting to change his mind even though it had gone cold and was starting to smell.

Anti was about to tear into it when he heard a noise in the same alley he was in.

Perking his ears up, he listened closely.


Smelling the air, he didn't recognize the scent but something told him he needed to be afraid.

A muzzle appeared from the corner of the dumpster and Anti felt himself hiss out of instinct.

A large dog quickly made himself completely visible to him and hovered over him in the corner, baring his teeth.

Anti's eyes went wide in terror.

The dog snapped his jaws at him but Anti dodged and quickly ducked under the dumpster. The dog barked and tried to claw its way under after him but it was too big. It ignored the dead mouse, wanting Anti instead, it seemed.

Anti's little heart raced, he had no idea what to do!

He never had to be afraid like this before!

But he couldn't just stay there. The dog was bound to wait for him to come out.

Instead, Anti looked in the opposite direction, ignoring the barking.

'I could run for the street and go up the road. Maybe I'll see Jackie or one of the others walking around? I don't care if they don't want me! I'll cling onto them and never let go!'

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