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Marvin finally returned home. He had been gone for a while to search for a special ingredient for a new potion he wanted to try.

He sighed to himself and fell upon his bed for a few moments.

'Let's see . .  I got everything I need. Now all I need to do is find that book again, set up the cauldron and actually START it'

He was getting pretty tired, though.

'Maybe I'll start it tomorrow.'

He didn't even see the others but maybe then again, they were off doing their own things like usual.

Chase had reintroduced himself into the dating scene again so he was probably out on a date.

Henrik was probably working late again on a . . . project.

Jameson always goes to bed early.

Jackie was most likely out scouting for crime in the city. Actually, it was more probable that he was out searching for Anti.

Anti had appeared out of nowhere like a shadow of evil. He had come to threaten them all and their way of life.

Only.  . . . . he wasn't really succeeding that well.

Anti was new to the world so he didn't really understand a lot of basic human things.

Every time Anti had attacked them, there'd be SOME weird aspect that they would learn about the creature.

Like if you leave food out, he will most likely go for it first. Chase had made a grilled cheese sandwich one time and had to run to the bathroom real quick before eating it. In that moment, Anti had glitched through into the house through a kitchen outlet.

When Jackie had walked in the kitchen to get something to drink, he had caught Anti red-handed eating the sandwich. Realizing his cover was blown, Anti had just decided to leave.

Another time, Henrik had left the TV on in the living room and fell asleep. Anti glitched through the TV but instead of going to kill Henrik, the screen caught his attention and Chase caught him watching Netflix. Chase left the room, letting him stay and by the time Anti snapped out of it, he was too tired to do anything else so he just left again.

The last time he came around, Marvin left his hair dryer out on the bathroom counter and Anti had glitched through an outlet in the bathroom while Marvin was in his room getting his make up. Anti's attention was taken when he tried figuring out the hair dryer. He blew it in his own face and played with the settings. And with it still in hand, he wandered to the shower and was playing with the handle when Marvin walked in.

Marvin didn't understand why he panicked but he did, "DON'T DO THAT!" he had shouted at him.

Anti didn't expect Marvin to catch him and accidentally turned the shower on with the hairdryer still in his hands. He flinched and shouted as he was electrocuted and dropped the hairdryer, looking at Marvin as if he had been the one to hurt him.

But Marvin just looked at him like he was dumb, "Are you stupid!? Water and Electricity don't MIX!"

But Anti wasn't hearing him and left, not understanding exactly what had happened.

Yeah, Anti was still new but he WAS learning.

The others at this point, though, weren't really all that concerned by him if he happened to 'drop by'. They figured all they had to do was either throw food at him or turn on the TV.

Marvin woke up the next morning and set himself to work.

The potion he was making was a shape-shifting potion. He had to leave across the world for a while to get the special ingredients for it.

He only had ONE chance to do it correctly.

He couldn't have ANY distractions.

Marvin had really wanted to get more of the ingredients he wanted but they were limited so he didn't have a choice in the quantity.

And then once he finished it and confirmed it was correct, he could then begin working on a antidote. He needed to finish THIS potion first, though, in order to do that to assess its properties. All potions were different and since this one was new to him, he had to figure it all out on his own. He had found the potion recipe in an old book but the antidote was far too faded and unclear to read so he'd have to guess and figure it out when he was finished with the actual shape shifting potion first.

It was like . .. snake venom! You needed the venom first to find the antidote TO that venom. Potions worked the same way.

Marvin worked all day alone in his room. Hours and hours went by until finally, it was done.

The potion was black in color with flecks of green from a special lizard's skin he used.

After carefully testing the potion on a fly, he was happy to see it change into a mouse.

'Good. Now all that's left to do is to carefully put it in vials and work on the antidote.'

He was about to do just that when he heard a strange noise behind him.

Marvin turned around to see Anti standing there.

"Oh shit"

Anti wasn't here to get distracted this time and he lunged at Marvin with a knife.

Marvin ducked out of the way and around on the other side of the cauldron.

Anti was deterred, though, and he jumped up over the cauldron and went to attack him again.

"This is for electrocuting me last time!" Anti shouted at him.

Marvin was surprised he could even talk but was more upset with what he SAID, "Are you KIDDING ME!? I  was trying to save your life, you moron!"  he dodged just as he went to stab him.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Anti yelled at him.

"If you were any other human, you would have died that day! I TOLD you electronics and water don't MIX! What'd you think I meant when I said not to turn on the water!?"

Anti was done listening, though. He went to lunge at him once again with his knife but Marvin had enough.

Marvin shoved him away HARD.

And this had unexpected consequences.

Anti crashed backwards against the cauldron and fell on his ass.

Marvin could only watch in horror as the cauldron wobbled and tipped over, pouring all of the potion right onto Anti.


Anti hated being wet but this was a new level of disgusting for him. The potion was sludgy and lukewarm like a wet slime. He tried to shake it off but it was useless.

If Marvin wasn't so terrified, he would have thought the look on Anti's confused and grossed out face kind of adorable.

Anti was going to leave when he found he couldn't.

He felt. . . . .weird. He didn't like it.

Suddenly, he felt like he was getting smaller and his whole body felt like it was burning but he was too tired to cry out. He passed out on the floor.

Marvin covered his mouth. He had no idea what to do.

The potion by this time was already soaked into the carpet, leaving nothing left behind to salvage.

And Anti was on the floor passed out.


Into a little black cat.

Marvin hissed at himself, "Oooooooo . . .. I shouldn't have shoved him TOWARDS the cauldron . . . "

And now the realization was hitting him that since he didn't have any more of the potion, he couldn't make an antidote. . .

Anti was a cat.

And Marvin couldn't turn him back . . . .

Marvin bit his lip.


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