Messages To Merlin :)

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  • Dedicated to Charly Thomson

A/N This is my first Merlin fanfic and I'm not very good so sorry about that but yeah... This is an AU where Merlin and Arthur go to high school together. This is what would happen (I think) If Merlin and Arthur had phones and were texting each other in class :) enjoy

Arthur: Hey

Arthur: HEY


Arthur: Ugh this class is so boring

Arthur: Right if you don't answer this I'm seriously going to steal your Avengers dvd next time I'm at your house.

Merlin: You wouldn't dare.

Arthur: Ahah! Your talking to me!

Merlin: Uggh go AWAY. I'm trying to work!

Arthur: You can not actually be listening to Mr Danes he's like the most boring guy in the world. I mean seriously. Who reads shakespear nowdays?

Merlin: ME.

Arthur: Oh. Well then....Strange child....

Merlin: Look Arthur I get that you don't care about learning but I do now GO AWAY.

Arthur: Hmmm....No.

Merlin: Please?

Merlin: Go away or I will tell Gwen about that MASSIVE crush you have on her.

Arthur: Fine if you do that I'll tell Morgana you're in love with her which for the record I'm STILL NOT OK WITH SEEING AS SHE IS MY SISTER.

Merlin: I'm not in love with Morgana!!! Ugh

Arthur: Yes sureeee your not :D

Merlin: Mr Danes is staring at me I bet he knows we're texting!

Arthur: Stop panicking

Merlin: I'm not panicking. Why would you say that?! OMG HE'S SO LOOKING AT ME.


Merlin: Right I'm turning off my phone now before I get caught. Bye.

Arthur: Merlinnnnn don't leave mehhhh

Arthur: Merlin?


Arthur: Fine.

Arthur: I'm counting to five then I'm texting morgana.

Arthur: ONE

Arthur: TWO

Arthur: THREE

Merlin: Fine! Fine I'm here

Arthur: :D

Merlin: How did you know I hadn't turned it off?

Arthur: You just locked it and put it in your pocket idiot.

Merlin: Oh you saw that?

Arthur: Yes. Excited about meeting my football mates tomorrow?

Merlin:....Hmmm..... Kinda.....

Arthur: Awww didums Merlins all worried :D

Merlin: I just don't fancy meeting a bunch sweaty thick skulled jocks okay? I see far to many of them in school.

Arthur: A bunch sweaty thick skulled jocks? Wow harsh merlin...... You'll love them! Especially Lance he's a softie like you all into poetry and romantic movies and stuff. I think he might like Gwen though so.....

Merlin: He sounds like Gwens type

Arthur: Hm.

Merlin: You might want to hurry up and make a move.

Merlin: Before Lance does.

Arthur: I doubt it Lance knows I like her he would never do anything.

Merlin: Oh really? What if Gwen was to ask him out can you be certain he'd say no? I mean he sounds like the perfect guy. What's to say Gwen won't ask him out? I would.

Arthur: Well no he would say no wouldnt he? And did you just say you would ask lance out?

Merlin: I dunno I haven't met the bloke have I? I was joking about asking him out Arthur. Anyway make a move is what I'm saying.

Arthur: Fine...

*bell rings*

A/N I hoped you enjoyed :) I might make another chapter but I'm not sure yet. Please tell me what you think if you love it or hate it :D

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