The New Girl

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Still don't own Merlin. If I did then Merlin and Arthur would have declared their love for each other a long time ago. Also some harsh language and a very jealous Merlin in this one.

Arthur: Hey Merlin have you met the new girl Sophia?

Merlin: No...Though Morgana mentioned her. She doesn't think very highly of her...

Arthur: Really? I can't think why. Sophia is lovely! I mean really she's like the loveliest girl I've ever met!

Merlin: Seriously cos Morgana seemed to hate her guts.

Arthur: Hm. Well she's amazing. And really pretty too.

Merlin: Well I'll make up my own opinion of her.

Arthur: Really I'm telling you she's great.

Merlin: Well anything you want to ask me...?


Merlin: *sighs* about last night....?

Arthur: Um...was it a good episode of pointless?

Merlin: Is that what you think I do every night? Watch pointless?


Merlin: God you're such a crap friend.

Arthur: One second...



Arthur: What was Merlin doing last night?

Morgana: Out with Mordred on a date. I'm not even going to ask why you want to know.

Arthur: Thanks.


Arthur: How'd things go with Mordred?

Merlin: You texted Morgana didn't you?

Arthur: Maybe.

Merlin: Well it went really well! It was great! We had pizza and we saw this great movie and Mordred put his arm around me! Oh it was great! I haven't had so much fun in ages!

Arthur: Great! Well good on you mate!

Merlin: Got to go see ya :)

Arthur: Bye :)


Sophia: hey arthur :)

Arthur: Hey Sophia!

Sophia: I was wonderin if u wudnt mind showin me round the school cuz i dont realy no my way and uv been there for like agezzz sooo....

Arthur: Course I'll show you around! No problem :) Do you know where my locker is?

Sophia: yea :)

Arthur: Good well meet me there in the morning and I'll show you around

Sophia: thanx!!

Arthur: No problem :)

 The next day

Arthur: Hey I showed Sophia around school today she's really cool!

Merlin: Yeah I noticed. She is VERY hard not to notice....

Arthur: yeah I know she's really pretty isn't she?

Merlin: That's one way to describe her.

Arthur: What do you mean by that?

Merlin: Look how do I put this nicely,,,, she just seemed like.....a slut.

Arthur: Sophia is lovely she isn't a slut at all! You don't know what the hell you're talking about!

Merlin: Oh don't I? Because Arthur I would classify that as a belt not a skirt...

Arthur: Shut up she's lovely far nicer than you it would seem.

Merlin: Seriously? She's a complete whore!

Arthur: Anyway I'm going to ignore that comment even though it's complete bull.

Merlin: Fine. Is there a reason you're texting me?

Arthur: Well Soph wanted me to show her around the town so I was thinking that I could take her to a restaurant but I don't know which one?? Ideas?

Merlin: Well the Italian bistro is always good but it depends on what day you're going (it's always shut)

Arthur: I'm taking her tomorrow after school.



Merlin: You serious?

Arthur: Yeah.........why?

Merlin: Tomorrow is video game day!!!

Merlin: Every week without fail we play video games!!!

Merlin: Christ you even came with a broken arm once!!!

Arthur: Yeah well it doesn't matter if I miss it one time.

Merlin: My god you're a prat. She's a complete slut and you're an idiot!

Arthur: I don't bloody complain when you hang out with Mordred all the time!!!

Merlin: Not on video game night!!!

Arthur: Jesus are you jealous just because I didn't spend the whole fucking day with you? Is that it Merlin? Afraid that if I leave you no one would want to be your friend? Because you're right. I'm all friends you've got but seriously do you really need me with you every second of the day Merlin? Can't you last five minutes without me? Jesus even your dad couldn't stand you! I understand why know!

Merlin: I can't actually believe you just said that.

 Arthur: Shit look I didn't mean it I'm sorry.

Arthur: I over reacted I'm sorry.

Arthur: God Merlin I don't know what came over me, I just.....Jesus I'm so sorry

Merlin: Leave me alone Arthur. OK? Just leave me the hell alone.

3 hours later

Arthur: I'm so so sorry.

A/N Hmmmm big mystery about Merlins dad???? Well not really but as mysterious as I'm prepared to get :)

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