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Merlin : What that fuck

Mordred : Babe? What's wrong? x

Merlin : Don't call me babe you asshole.

Mordred: Merlin???? What's up??? x

Merlin : I always really liked Freya. She was my lab partner in physics once. She's cool. She likes Twin Atlantic and Charlie Chaplin and she's easy to talk to. She also likes strawberry lip balm. The more you know. But I guess you already know that. I hope you're very happy together.

Mordred : Merlin. I don't know what on earth you're talking about x

Merlin : Bullshit. Mordred for fucks sake don't insult me further by lying. There's at least three fucking pictures of you two making out on fb, you moron. Jesus, the guy I picked couldn't even cheat on me right that's fucking incredible, that is

Mordred : Merlin I'm so sorry I was gonna tell you but I didn't want to ruin things between us xx

Merlin : You didn't want to ruin things between us???? THEN YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE KISSED SOMEONE ELSE YOU MOTHERFUCKER

Mordred : I know, I know I made a stupid mistake and I regret it sooo much but you have to believe me when I say I'm sorry and I didn't mean it xx

Merlin : I don't have to believe a god damn word you say and as a matter of fact, I don't believe a word you say.

Mordred : Merlin please I'm sorry. It was stupid I know, I just felt like I dunno I was intruding all the time on you and Arthur and yous were having video games night and Val cracked some joke about how yous were probably doing more than video games and when I asked him why he thought that he started going on about how you and Arthur are too close and everyone agreed and I started to think I know there's nothing going on but you liked him more than me and then Freya was there and it was so dumb but I just thought why not and Merlin please, I don't want you to forgive me cos I don't forgive myself but please know that I regret it more than anything and I would never choose Freya over you. xx

Merlin : You would never choose Freya over me? Well you did. Arthur is my best friend and sure we've had our ups and downs but we're close. However I would never have cheated on you. Goodbye Mordred.

Mordred : Merlin please you don't understand xx

Mordred : I'm so sorry xx


Merlin : Arthur I don't know what to do

Arthur : Mer? What's up?

Merlin : Mordred cheated on me

Arthur : What! ?

Arthur : Are you okay?

Merlin : Not really. I mean I just don't understand. I wanted things to work so badly and now he's gone and I just I don't know

Arthur : Merlin I'm on my way over.

Merlin : I don't really think I loved him y'know? I just feel like...I could have. And I wanted to. And he thought she was better. That I wasn't...that he didn't need me.

Arthur : Merlin he's a prick.

Merlin : But I'm so used to this Arthur. First my Dad now Mor. I'm just not fucking needed. It's like everything I do counts for nothing.

Arthur : I need you god damnit. You're so loved Merlin you don't even understand. I mean not even mentioning your mum or all our other friends, Merlin you have no idea how much you mean to me. You're the only reason I like coming into school. Screw that the only reason I like LIVING. If I didn't have you in my life christ knows it would be utterly pointless. Mordred was damn lucky to have you and he blew his chance and that mistake will hang over him forever. And your Dad? Merlin your Dad loved you he just was too overwhelmed by his issues. You. Are. Needed. You. Are. Loved.

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