Prince Charming

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Hey there!!! Omg I have a new chapter...okay not really this is just a wee taster for the next chapter which is all due to Bananas_rock and their enthusiasm :D

Arthur: Hey, what's up?

Merlin: The price of fredos. It's a complete outrage.

Arthur:...NOT what I meant...

Merlin: Fine, nothing. At all. I mean Mor visited but apart from that all I've done is sit on my couch watching shite TV. These bitches seriously believe that they have a chance of marrying Prince Harry.

Arthur : Oh god save us all you've discovered reality TV.

Merlin : What I really don't understand is why you'd want to marry him? He's a god damn parasite to the wealth of our country nevermind being frankly unattractive. He's not freaking Prince Charming

Arthur : You kids today with your Republican ideologies. Just cos you want to relive the French revolution England style doesn't mean he's not attractive. Well okay I agree he's not Prince Charming...I've always considered myslef more of Prince Charming type figure

Merlin : Oh and you're saying he is attractive? I thought I was the gay one here...why shouldn't we have a revolution? ! You're more of a Prince Prat. Mordred is the perfect prince.

Arthur: Jesus Merlin you say girls are attractive all the time and you're gay. On the subject of which I REALLY don't have any desire to hear you gush over Mordred. There are VARIOUS reasons why we shouldn't have a revolution.

Merlin : Awww you mean cos you might lose your Mercedes? Dawww poor little rich boy. Mordred is far more of a Prince Charming, you prick.

Arthur : If you don't stfu right now I'll have my manservant throw you in the dungeons.

Merlin : Well one good thing came from that.

Arthur : That being?

Merlin : I'm obviously relived of the position of being your unpaid manservant.

Arthur :...only when you're off on sick leave. Then you can get back to throwing yourself in the dungeon.

Merlin : Hm. Doesn't sound too tempting...Btw what's a jay low

Arthur mean JLo?

Merlin : Maybe. I'm not sure

Arthur : Fucking hell Merlin. What's a jay low.  Oh my god. How- omfg.

Merlin : Well if you're gonna be like that they're showing a new episode of towny that I'm deeply engrossed in. Goodbye once friend of mine.

Arthur : I think you mean T.O.W.I.E.

Merlin : Same fucking difference stfu and piss off I think one of them may have developed a coherent senten- oh wait nevermind.

Arthur : Never delve into the realms of crap tv again.


Morgana : Merlin, check Gili's Facebook pictures from last night's party.

Merlin : Why what's up? What one's?

Merlin : Morgana?!?!

Morgana : The one's with Mordred tagged in them. Oh fuck I'm so sorry Merlin.

Merlin : Morgana...what's happened?

A/N oh man suspense! Thank you to the lovely Bananas_rock who basically prompted this snippet and the next chapter as well as motivating me. Sure I'll be a walking sleep deprived zombie tomorrow but the satisfaction shall keep me going!

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