The Soup thief

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POV Ivana
It was lunch time we were taking turns cooking it was my turn I made a pot of soup "guys lunch time I made soup" I yelled. then Grim shadow traveled behind me garbed the whole pot of soup and shadow traveled away. I ran to her room. I knocked "the Soup is mine" she yelled. "Grim everyone wants Soup" I yelled back. "It's all for me" Grim shouted. "Grim open the door" I yelled. There was no response I could hear her threw the door singing a song about cross word puzzles and soup. then Sommer and Shay walked over I explained the soup to them. "Just shadow travel in" Shay suggested. "You can't Leo and I did some work so you can't shadow travel into rooms if the door is locked" Sommer explained. "Well then scratch that" Shay said. Then Vic came marching over "why is there no food" she demanded. because grim stole it Shay said. then Vic kicked the door indeed it broke she marched in garbed the soup and matched out but it was empty "crap she already ate it all" so we all had cereal for lunch that day.
Later that day
We were all discussing Grim and the soup when i got an Iris message from someone named Kya and James infinity. Excepted it "hello Ivana we are the children of chaos and we have someone u might want to see" then I saw a girl that was like a sister to me and Jakes older sister. she was chained and yelling at the twins "Winter" I whispered.

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