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POV Teaghan
Every one except Sommer left the ship to go look for Shay and Vana. We were walking down the street and in the middle of it was a girl with pitch black hair she was all beat up and bloody and then there was a younger girl with brown Hair with green streaks beat up and bloody next to her. "Winter" Jake yelled running towards the black haired girl but then Vic grabbed his hoodie "Wow Death head it might be a trap" Vic said. but he didn't care he slipped out of his hoodie and ran at the girl and kneeled down next to her. then Luke looked at the other girl Jacklyn he yelled running at her ignoring Vic's protests.
POV Bradie
I had 10 coffees and I was running around around Rome because well uh I don't really remember I think I was looking for the bat mobile. Then I heard a sound. so I skipped towards it it was a giant ship and a girl was pulling up a rope ladder what if the bat mobile is on it I thought to my self do I jumped and got hold of the ladder. it was swinging "weeeeeeeeee" I screamed. when the girl saw me she looked surprised. "Is the bat mobile hear" I demanded. "No who are you" age asked. "I'm Bradie Aka Wonder woman" I whispered loudly. "Do u have Coffee" I asked. "Sure if u tell me who sent u" she replied. "Well that's a stupid question Bat man" I replied the girl did a face palm then took me to a dining room and gave me Coffee. "Yay Coffee" I yell. "So are u with the Infinity twins" she asked. "Ya but only because. They have Coffee but u have better coffee and your nice know I'm with you" I said
POV Carmen
We decided to split up and a boy ran up to me. "have you seen a girl blond hair likes coffee and acts like a little kid" He asked. "No sorry who are you" I asked. "Alex son of Hermes" he said seeing my CHB t-shirt. "Who do you work for Greek Halfbloods don't just walk around Rome" I said. "The Infinity Twins and if u don't mind me asking who are you" he asked. "Carmen Clark daughter of Zeus the Titans blessed" I said. "Well that sounds cool but I'm cooler cause I'm batman" Alex said. then I got an Iris message from Sommer "Carmen help me there's this girl that got on the ship saying she's wonder women and talking about batman and drinking all the coffee" Sommer said. "Hey a Wonder women Alex yelled" the girl popes her head in front of the iris message "Batman" She screamed. "Can u bring me to that ship" Alex asked me. "No way your with the a infinity" i replied. "I'm not anymore these guys got better COFFEE" The girl yelled. "Then nether am I " Alex yelled. I made him swearing the River Styx and them flew him to the ship.
POV Zach
I got an iris message from Alex he was in a ship and he told me that he switched to the other side the only reason we were there was because Bradie wanted there coffee so I found Taylor and Scarlet and I flew them to the ship when we landed we all introduced our selves. "I'm Zach son of Jupiter" I said. "Bradie Daughter of Apollo" Bradie yelled. I think she had to much Coffee. "Taylor Daughter of Athena" Taylor Said. "Scarlet Daughter of Nyx" Scarlet replied. "Alex son of Hermes" Alex said. Then we all made friends Bradie and Sommer bonded over Coffee it was all good.

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