I want my sister back

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POV Ivana
I thought Winter had died well she did it was 5 years ago she died trying to protect me and Jake from a Family if Cyclopes. I had seen her dead body and felt her cold dead hand how was this possible. "Oh and Sommer Bloom you might want to see someone else we have with us" James said. And then we saw a girl with black hair with green streaks and green eyes she reminded me sort of like a younger version of Sommer. Excep she seemed more regal proud more Roman. and the fact she was wearing an SPQR shirt kind of tipped me off. "Jacklyn" Aurelia Screamed. "Leave her alone monsters" Aurelia Screamed. Then We heard a gasp from somewhere. I moved som boxes to find Connor and Luke. "Idiot you just blew our cover Conner" complained to Luke. "But that's my sister" Luke said shocked. "Ya we know Sommers your sister it didn't explain why you blew our cover." Conner said annoyed. "No you don't understand that's my little sister Jacklyn Bloom" then Sommer marched over clearly annoyed and dragged the two boys away and started to tell at them. then I gears shuffling a couple boxes away I kicked the box out of the way to reveal none other than probably my least favorite person in the world Asher Frost. "What in Zeus' name are you doing hear you little punk" I yelled at him. Then I punched him in the jaw and in reflex he punched me hard in the eye. I yelled at him more. then we walked over back to the group the iris message had ended and every one was staring at me then I realized dub my eye must look all weird it was on the opposite eye of my markings so know I didn't even have one normal side to my face. just great. well we can't just throw them of the ship Teaghan pointed out. Thank the gods Asher started that doesn't go for you I said running at him then Shay Carmen and Sommer were all holding be back I struggled hard I was so mad u could tell I was in serpent mode I was still working on controlling my anger but mostly I had it down. I was struggling to get free of them then Jake walked in front of me I know this kid hurt you Vana but I'll make him regret it Jake Said glaring at Asher but for now you need to calm down. He said. then Jake touched my for head and Every thing went dark.
POV Jake
I hated that kid for hurting my little sister and he would regret it but I couldn't let Vana kill him. So I put her in a thing called Death Sleep basically she's sleeping but it's heavier and harder to wake up from but I had no uncertainty that Vana would wake up from it in at least an hour. But I couldn't keep my mind on Vana I could only think about my older Sister Winter.

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