Hard Choices

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----------Back to Ren

We had made it half way to wherever this Naruto was supposed to be, and I had actually managed not to talk!  I was so proud of myself.  It hadn’t been easy either Deidara was constantly irritating me.  Had gotten three rooms at a hotel and the first thing I did was walk up stairs to mine.    It was simple it had gray walls one twin sized bed and a small dresser next to the bed.  I didn’t have anything with me so I just walked over to the bed and sat down.  This is so boring!  I thought.  I decided to go outside and look around the town.  It didn’t sound like that much fun but at least it was something to do.  I passed Itachi in the hall.

“Where are you going?”  He asked

I shrugged and pointed out the window.   He looked at me like I was crazy and then walked off.  Hehe.  This no talking thing had some perks.  Itachi never new what I was doing so he could never tell me not to.  But other that that it sucked.  I walked down stairs and out the door.

---------Deidara’s Pov.

Itachi walked past me grumbling about how Ren was just asking for trouble.

“What did she do now?”  I asked.

“who knows she went outside to do who knows what.”  Itachi said angrily.

That gave me an idea.  “You sure she’s not here anymore?”  I asked to make sure.

“Yeah.”  Itachi said.

Perfect I thought and I walked out.  


I was standing in front of Ren’s door I turned the knob and I was surprised that it opened.  So she doesn’t bother to lock her door.  I thought.  Oh well it works to my advantage.  I walked in, and over to where the bed was.  There was a small table beside the bed ant it had a pad of paper and a pen on it.  I quickly wrote something down on it, and the turned my attention back to the bed.  Ren will flip when she sees what I’ve done.  I picked op the mattress and carried it out.  I got back to my room and opened the door I walked over to my closet and stuffed the mattress in, and closed the closet doors.   Yes she would definitely have something to say about this.  I thought.

-----------Ren’s Pov.

I got back from my walk around this dull town, and it was just as boring as it would have been if I’d of stayed at the hotel.  Only now I was actually tired and I couldn’t wait to get up to my room and sleep.  I slowly walked up the stairs and to my door.  I walked in and closed the door behind me and walked over to my bed.  I stood there staring for a second then I rubbed my eyes just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating..  No, no I wasn’t my bed was gone, and I had a pretty good idea of who did it.  I glanced over at the table and saw something written on a piece of paper.  It said, Sleep tight,  Renel.  Yep that confirmed it.  Deidara had done this.  Well he is going to wish he hadn’t!  I raced out of my room and headed for his.  I didn’t bother to open the door I just kicked it down, and burst in.  “Deidaraaa!”  I shouted at the top of my lungs.

“You could of just opened the door it wasn’t locked, stupid.”  Deidara said.

Was he trying to get me madder?  I ran up to him and put my hands on both of his shoulders and slammed him against the wall.  “You went to far this time Deidara.”  I whispered in his ear.  “And now your going to be sorry!”  This time I shouted in his ear.  I looked straight into his eyes there was a little bit of fear in them but mostly fun.  Did he actually enjoy getting me this mad and then getting beat up?  “I’m going to cut your tongue  off so that you can never call me Renel again, and then I’m going to cut both of your hands off so that you can’t ever pull something like this again.”  I whispered again.  I looked in his eyes again and this time there was nothing but fear.  So he believed me, and he was scared, well he should be!  I thought.

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