Losing, In More Ways Than One

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This story received the most votes, so here’s the update.  :)  I hope you enjoy it!  And remember to vote for which story you want me to update next.  Just message me or something, letting me know what story you want updated.  Voting starts today and goes for a week.  Ok, hope you enjoy.


Ren’s POV-

I could not believe it.  Why was this particular mission becoming such a tiresome bother?  We had caught the nine tails, but of course another complication had come up.  I could not help but smirk a bit.  This would not end well for me, but at least it gave Deidara and Itachi a chance to just simply take the nine tails and well… leave.  After all, whoever it was that was holding the kunai had basically dug their own grave.  It would not matter as much if I died, Deidara and Itachi would get over it, so they could walk away.  It left the person with the problem of letting me go to chase after Deidara and Itachi, which would leave them trapped.  Or they could kill me now, but then nothing would be stopping Deidara and Itachi from attacking them.  Either way, it seemed to work out for everyone.  Well everyone except me, who’s death right now seemed inevitable.  I had expected both Deidara and Itachi to have made some sort of move right now, but both were just standing there like idiots!  

“Let him go.”  The voice demanded, though it seemed calm and confident.  No doubt because they thought they had the upper hand.  The voice was a girls voice and I knew as soon as she had spoken who it was.  It only made sense, she had escaped and she obviously was close to the nine tails, she’d given her life for him before after all.  It made perfect sense that she was the one to cause a problem.  

Since both Itachi and Deidara seemed incapable of doing or saying anything right now I decided to speak up.  “Let him go?  Or what?  You’re going to kill me?”  I couldn’t help but laugh a bit.  “Hate to disappoint you but, it doesn’t matter.  Me dying isn’t near as important as him.”  I added, expecting my two partners to take a hint and forget it all.  But noo, they would not leave.  I was becoming irritated.  If I had to die they could at least give me the satisfaction of keeping my record perfect and just leaving!  

Now it was the girl’s turn to laugh, though I had no idea as to why she would.  It seemed obvious to me at least that her holding me captive was pointless.  “You don’t get it do you?  They wont do anything if it leads to your death.”  She said, still with the calm confident tone as before.  I was puzzled to say the least.  Obviously this girl didn’t know or understand us at all.  It did not matter if I died, I didn’t understand what she meant.  Why would Deidara or Itachi care if I died?  “So, are you going to let Naruto go?  Or do I have to kill her first?”  She asked, pressing the kunai closer and harder against my throat.  Both Itachi and Deidara started to step forward a bit, seeming a tad panicked, but stopped.   “Are you really willing to bet her life?  For what?  A silly mission?  Is it truly worth her death?”  The girl continued.  I felt oblivious, was she so clueless as to actually feel confident enough to antagonize them?

“So, you’ll let Ren go, if we give you the nine tails?”  Deidara finally said something, but it was NOT what I had expected.

“His name’s Naruto!”  The girl snapped defensively.  

“Forget the stupid name!  Deidara what ARE you doing?  You’re not just going to give her the nine tails are you?  Itachi, you have to knock some sense into him!”  I stated.   “Really, you both expect me to believe you honestly care that much about me?”

“You honestly still have no clue do you?”  The girl snapped at me.  “Are you just oblivious or something?”  She asked me and I was so baffled, confused, caught off guard I could not answer her, or even remark.  I usually always have some sort of sarcastic remark, but not this time.  She laughed, probably at my confusion.  “They wont just throw your life away because they would not be able to live with themselves for it.”  She commented, I still couldn’t understand, or maybe I just didn’t want to believe, so she added more.  “Both of them love you!  Clear enough for you?”  She snapped.

I was speechless for once, I couldn’t believe that.  Maybe it should have seemed obvious to me, at least with Deidara, he did kiss me earlier after all.  But still, even that had just seemed like a mistake to me.  I had come close to convincing myself that he was just confused, or something.  Maybe I just didn’t want to believe someone could love me, or worse that I could love someone back.  So yeah, maybe I should have seen that coming with Deidara, but Itachi?  That was impossible!  I looked from Deidara back to Itachi, trying to read their expressions, but of course Itachi was as emotionless as usual.  “Yeah right, it doesn’t matter what happens to me.”  I tried to argue.  “Would you idiots just go already!”  I tried, getting tired of waiting for them to leave, I couldn’t stand just staring at them feeling hopeless.  

“Ren, just-“  Deidara started, but I interrupted him.

“Deidara just shut up and leave already!  I don’t freaking care if I die!”  I shouted, it was a lie, I mean who honestly wanted to die?  I had to get them to leave though.

“We do though!”  Itachi finally spoke, and I went silent.  They cared?  Itachi cared?  What was going on?  Had everyone just gone mad?!

“El?”  Another voice stopped my thoughts.  Great!  It was one of those bothersome friends of hers, the one who had gotten away.  Now Deidara and Itachi couldn’t just walk away.  GREAT!  Just great!  To make matters worse, Naruto would wake up pretty soon, and then the three would have the upper hand.  Well, they would because Itachi and Deidara seemed incapable of letting me go. 

“Kiba!  You’re alright!”  El exclaimed.  In the next instant Itachi had tossed Naruto over to them, it didn’t even seem to take a thought on his part.  I could have screamed at the two of them.

“There, now let her go.”  Deidara said.

It seemed to take a little to long for the girl to answer, and Ren wasn’t so confident that things were going to work out the way the two boneheads on her team had blindly assumed.  “Actually, I think I’ll pass.”  She said.

El’s POV-

“Actually, I think I’ll pass.”  I answered.  Perhaps it was a bit rash, but I think it’d be smart to have some guarantee of them leaving Kiba, Naruto and I alone while we leave.  And truthfully, I had a lot of questions for her.  Somehow I felt like she knew why I was still alive, which was pretty much impossible.  I needed to know, I needed answers and I just had a feeling she had them.  I looked at Kiba who was helping Naruto up, he had just now come back to consciousness.  Kiba nodded, and I started to back up, taking Ren with me.  Followed by Kiba and the confused Naruto.

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