Ren Don't be Crazy

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--------El’s Pov.

I woke up lying on the ground next to the person who had run after Sakura.  I guess he had come back now.  Perfect now’s my chance he wasn’t even looking at me I could easily get away!  I stood up and started running towards the woods only to be tackled by someone else,  I landed on my arm and I think I must of broken it because it hurt so bad.  I screamed out in pain.  I felt tears come to my eyes and I pushed them back I can’t cry, I should be thankful to be alive.  Then the realization struck me, how was I even alive?

--------Ren’s Pov.

I came out of the woods to she the girl lying on the ground cradling her arm and Itachi standing beside her.  “What happened?”  I asked.

“The brat tried to run off.”  Itachi grumbled.

“So you broke her arm?”  

“No.”  Itachi didn’t try to explain and I didn’t bother to question him further, I was still in shock from what Deidara had done.  I had argued with myself  the whole way back and it had driven me crazy.  I had come to the conclusion that this was a nightmare and that I would eventually wake up.  

-------Kiba’s Pov.

I looked at Naruto we couldn’t wait any longer we had to get El now.  We couldn’t waste any time.  The third person Naruto had said they were with could come back any second.

“Naruto are you ready?”  I asked him.  He nodded.  We had decided that we would try and get El without them noticing, or so to speak.  I would try to keep their attention off of El, while Naruto would hopefully get her away.  

---------Ren’s Pov.

Itachi and I had been arguing about what we were going to eat.  I was starving and Itachi said we didn’t have the time to stop and eat anything.  So I was in the process of yelling at him when I saw one of the two boys that had escaped come out of the woods.  

“Itachi I told you they’d come back.”   I looked over to where the girl was and saw the second the one we were after.  

Itachi looked at me then the two boys and then he did something I never, ever would expect him to do, he laughed.   “So for once one of you crazy ideas worked.”

“Did you just laugh?”  I asked in shock.

He frowned.  “No.”

Well that was short lived.  I thought.  “Whatever lets just make this quick.”

“Your forgetting something.”

“No I’m not.”  Then I realized, no chakra.  I needed more time before it came back. 


I had been watching Itachi fight the two boys for the longest time, he was winning of course.  But I was bored to death and annoyed that I couldn’t help.  Then I saw the pink haired girl and a few other ninja step out from the trees.

“Great where is Deidara when I need him?”  Itachi mumbled.

That’s when I realized Deidara still hadn’t come back yet!  Some of those ninja came from the direction he was in.  What if, what if he was…..  No!  I wont think like that, besides why do I even care.  Because you like him.  Oh I wish that that half of me would shut up!  I don’t like him!  I can’t stand him!  But I knew I couldn’t deny  it any more I did like Deidara and if I didn’t go find him now, then I would go crazy.  I got up and ran into the woods.  I finally came to the spot where I had left him.  I saw him lying on the ground and I freaked out.  Was he dead?  I ran over to him and knelt down and just stared at him.  As though I thought that it would do something.  I should of checked his pulse to see if he was alive, but I couldn’t make myself.  Then Deidara opened his eyes and yawned.  My mouth fell open.  “You were asleep!?!”

“Um yeah.”  Deidara said as he stood up.

I stood up too and then I punched him, not as hard as usual but still hard.

“What was that for?”  Deidara asked.

“For scaring me!”  I yelled.

He started to smile, and before he could say anything I leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the cheek, and then I smiled and grabbed his sleeve and started pulling him behind me.

“What now?” Deidara asked confused.

“We need to help Itachi.”  Was all I bothered to explain.  

We got back and Itachi looked tired and annoyed.  I decided that I would have to try and use what little chakra I had regained.  More leaf village ninja had showed up now and I knew there was no way Deidara would be able to fight them all, Itachi wasn’t in the best condition either, and I had practically no chakra.  I made my hand signals and then smiled at what only I could see.  “Come on lets go.”

“We need to get-”  I cut Itachi off.

“I know, no worries.”  I walked over to where we had tied up the girl cut her loose knocked her out and then picked her up.   “Come on.”  I could tell they had no idea what I planned on doing, but they had learned by now not to question me because they would only end up more confused.  

“Wont they come after us?”

“Itachi, Itachi,  you should trust me by now.”


I smiled and as I walked past Deidara I handed him the unconscious girl.  “since you decided to sleep and not help you can carry her.”

I kept walking and Deidara just stared at me, and Itachi was staring at all the kunai which were hitting the wall I put up and bouncing back, of course it didn’t look like that to them.  They saw no wall and it looked as though the kunai were stopping in mid air.  I laughed silently to myself.  “Are you coming?”  Both Itachi and Deidara snapped out of their trance and followed.

Thanks for reading, I hope you liked it.

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