The Pack Meeting

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As I'm sitting in my chair listening(I'm mostly tuning in and out of the conversation), a couple of words appeal to me. "The northern pack is too weak without their Alpha, we must move there and forge the pack back together." "Yes, yes but what about the young wolves and the soon to be Alpha?" All eyes suddenly fell on me-- the strongest she-wolf.

I glanced up and put my elbow on the table, while resting my cheek on my palm. Then I surveyed the room, eyeing every last pack member allowed to the meeting(only 13 of the most important members were allowed), when I'm Alpha I will surely change that. I believe a pack meeting refers to the whole pack. After that thought I smirked and replied, "Hmmm, yes what about the soon to be Alpha and the young wolves? What are we to do? Oh, I know, how about the northern pack join us here and we train their sorry arses."

My father responded by glaring at me, but the amusement was evident in his eyes. In response, I shrugged when he spoke, " If they had to move they wouldn't be so happy, Angel. We have to consider their feelings as well." I scoffed," Reggie," to that the members of my pack laughed and my father glared while growling. I continued saying, "Take a chill pill and listen to your daughter would you. Look, me as well as half the pack could give a rats a-hh(I stopped myself from cursing), uhm behind about their feelings. They are the weaklings who need our help." I stood, throwing my fist in the air shouting, "Am I right or naw?" To that my parents sighed and pushed me to sit down, and the members tried muffling their laughs, while I chuckled.

My soon to be beta snickered and rose saying, "Seriously though, I agree with Angel. Why should we have to leave the only homes we've known, just to help them out? If anything they should be seeking us out and begging for our help!" I nodded and patted him on the back, "Couldn't have said it any better." My pack responded to me saying and laughing, "We know!" To which I glared daggers at them only causing them to laugh harder. "Oh, Shut up!", I huffed.

My father cleared his throat with a smile on his face. I couldn't believe this, my own father was laughing at me too. He spoke saying, " Look, you guys are younginz, you wouldn't understand this, but sometimes sacrifice calls for better days." I gaped at him and he smiled proceeding to finish discussing. The whole time the adults were speaking, I was spacing out while my wolf ranted in my head, with me agreeing to her every word.

"Ughhh, this is all because of the third Alpha. He just had to decide to divide the pack into two. Oh, oh, im Alpha, you guys go to South Carolina and you guys go to North Carolina, this way we can protect each other. Ehhh, wronngg!" I snickered, she dismissed it and continued "Now we have to suffer the consequences and skip town! That sun of a gun is lucky he isn't alive because I would've been the death of him. Ohhh, your great great etc. great grandfather was the dumbest "Alpha" who ever lived." I huffed mumbling "I know right" but man she wasn't done and I ended up tuning her out as well.

As the meeting continued, I heard the pack confirm that we're moving. I sighed rather loudly, if I do say so myself. Then I thought, "The other pack can choke on cotton!" I think I said that out loud because everyone was dying. I blocked them out, my wolf, my feelings, everything and clenched my fists. My pack was moving to mend the broken bonds and strengthen themselves due to a treaty passed by the third Alpha long ago. My mates(as in friends, not romantically) and I were going to suffer, even the snobbish she-wolves I couldn't stand. My dad thought it was to our benefit, man he couldn't be more wrong. All I'm saying is that North Carolina better watch out because me and my gang, well were gonna show up and show out! I laughed evilly and rubbed my hands together viciously, my last thoughts echoing "a- a -arwoooooohh," was all I heard over and over. I must've howled out loud because my father shook his head and my mother said " Don't even think about it Angel! ... Blah blah" I stood smiling sheepishly, grabbed my brown leather jacket before slipping into it, put my Galaxy into my pocket, slid my Ray Bans over my eyes and adjusted my snapback. Then I left the room but not before saying, "Too little, too late".

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