Ex Friend?

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sharlahn2002@ ^Colton Haynes as Andrew

  Tony slapped my back repeatedly until I stopped chocking. I had to rub my back after that. "Thanks for almost breaking my back Tony," I said through gritted teeth. I looked around to see the person who caused me to choke on my burger currently talking to Alex. "You are so welcome. I just saved your life," Tony said. I said, "Thanks, now look to the far left." Tony looked confused, but complied. I think he saw who I was talking about because his eyes widened immediately.

    "What the heck is she doing here?" He asked with wide eyes and a bewildered look. I just shook my head in astonishment and said, "I don't know, but she's got to go." I could feel my body temperature rising and my blood begin to boil. No words can explain how angry that she-wolf makes me. I was finally able to forget her and her betrayal. We just began to move on from the pain she caused us. We started to accept all that we lost because of her, and then she shows up out of the blue like all is forgiven.

     I felt that familiar sting in my eyes and I knew I wouldn't be in control anymore, but instead of fighting it, I let it consume me. I relished in the pain that came when she showed up, when she took over. I enjoyed the fact that whatever I did next would never be pinned on me, that I could do anything and not be blamed for it because it wasn't me, it was my wolf and she enjoyed it too. And just like that my change was interrupted by my friends. They grabbed my arms, they rubbed my back, they whispered in my ears, and I regained control of myself. They told me to open my eyes and when I did I noticed how tense everyone was. Everyone basically stopped partying because they could feel this immense power surging through the air. I hadn't noticed but waves of anger were pouring off me and everyone in the vicinity could feel it, they just weren't aware of the source.

    I immediately calmed myself and my wolf, realizing that the burger I had long forgotten was now lying depressed in the grass. I untangled myself from my friends and dropped to my knees whispering apologies to my once delicious burger, then my mind began to wonder if it would still taste delicious causing my stomach to growl. I smiled sheepishly at my friends before glancing back at my food, and before I could even lick it Andrew brought me back to my feet. "Now that's just disgusting, Ang," he said with a grimace. I just scratched my head grinning as if nothing happened, but then I noticed the looks on all my friends faces and I couldn't help myself, "But it smells so good!" I was hit with a chorus of 'no's', 'gross', 'that's just nasty' and 'disgusting.' "Whatever, y'all some haters," was all I could say. We burst into laughter and although I enjoyed their company, I silently wished they would disperse long enough for me to destroy Kayla Woods. I couldn't take my thoughts off her for the rest of the day. Wait let me clarify, I couldn't take my thoughts off of pulverizing her for the rest of the day.

Pretty short chapter ik, but it's been a long time coming. But I've been caught up with school and during summer I was just lazy/partially busy. I wanted to write a new story which would've been the easier thing to do, but I like to finish what I start lol. So enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2016 ⏰

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