Mr Hendricks

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Another day at school but why must we go to this hell we have so much of our life ruined by what we call school it's like jail but hey you get to go home at the end of the day, not like homes much better, but it's life we go we leave and we have to make a living out of that.

Just like everyday I walk into school I don't have much friends but that doesn't matter does it huh? Because at the end of the day nothing matters it's just a place we go to so the teachers can tell you what you've done good and what you've done bad in my simple life i have only done bad. But we all make mistakes so what's left to say.

I make my way into class and sit at the back where I usually sit and work it's only first period which should be French with Ms Shitface excuse my language Ms Davidson. " Katie where is your behaviour card" she shouts making me known to the whole class it's the usually cycle " I haven't been to see my guidy yet miss" I shout back "GO NOW THEN" I get up and leave knowing when I go so Sir Aresalot I mean Mr O'Brian all hell will brake lose. When I get there I chap on the door and walk in "sir my teacher sent me here cause I don't have a card" I say his response is always the same "why don't you have one" "I lost it" he nods and tells me to go get a new one. I knew where they are since I've been on one for what since my second year of high school which I'm now on my last meaning no more shit from teacher. After he signs the card and writes the same targets every time which is:
1. Always Do Homework
2.Make Maximum Effort At All Times
3. Don't Talk In Class
And an extra one for good health
4.Do Not Wear Hooded Top In Class

The last one was easy you wear it under your blazer so no one can see it I'm not that daft and I'm not taking it off I know all the tricks in the book.

Just as Mr KnowItAll was giving me a lecture about losing my card and swearing in school a teacher walks in he must be new knowing I haven't seen him before.

"hey Mr O'Brian can you help me I can't find my way about the school" he says as he walks towards us his eyes not leaving me "I'm a little busy at the moment but here Katie will show you" he replied "but I have to go to class" "tough" he says "fine follow me sir"

As we got out the guidys office I ask " what are you looking for?" He then replies " I'm looking for Pe base" just then the bell rings " let me go get my things I have Pe core next" he follows me to French once I get to French I ask the teacher to sign my card and I grab my stuff and lead the way ...

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