#79 Masquerade Ball

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Louis: "Well," You heard a deep voice say from behind you, causing you to turn around while being careful not to spill your drink. The man was tall, with dirty blond hair and a crooked smile on his face "What is a girl like yourself be doing all alone over in here." He barely made sense and his words were so slurred that you were surprised that you could actually understand him. "I'm just looking for something to eat, wasn't too sure what they had up here." Okay, maybe that was a lie but you could smell the alcohol on his breath and you were 2 feet away from him. You wanted nothing more than for him to leave so that you suffer in silence about how this masquerade ball wasn't living up to you mystical fantasy. "Well then maybe me and you could dance and i could buy ya a drink. They got some nice fancy drinks I could get ya." He just couldn't take a hint and you were feeling more and more uncomfortable as this conversation progressed. "Hey, Sweetheart," You felt an arm snake loosely around your waist and you were extremely relieved when you saw Louis, you childhood neighbor, next to you. He always seemed to turn up whenever you were in an awkward situation and needed help (which has been more times than you'd actually like to admit). "I've been looking for you everywhere. Why don't we go dance for a bit now, baby?" You released a sigh of relief when he tugged you away from that drunk man and began sway along with you on the dance floor. "It's good to see you again, Louis." And it really was, this encounter being the first time you've seen him since before the where we are tour had started. "How do yo even know it's me, Y/n? You can't see my face with this mask on." "Shut up," You playfully punched his shoulder. "I can always tell when it's you, Lou. You can't fool me like we're back in 7th grade again."

Liam: You didn't even want to be here today. Your father was invited since he was CEO of some huge company and, therefore, he also forced you, your sister, and your mother to come along with him. Your sister could be a poster-child for being a social butterfly. Everyone wanted to talk to her and everyone wanted to dance with her. You couldn't really blame all of those men though, she was wearing a tight, black lace dress with a black, feathery mask covering her eyes, while you wore a peach colored dress that was short in the front and long in the back. You had a simple pink mask and it was almost obvious why everyone would rather be with her rather than you. "Would you mind if I sat near you?" A man wearing a dark suit with a mask covering half of his face asked you. You immediately agreed, glad to no longer be alone. "So why are you sitting over here while everyone else is enjoying themselves?" You shrugged, this man seemed nice but you weren't really in the mood to talk. You'd much rather be home and watching some murder show, or something along those lines, rather than being here. "You know her?" He asked when you didn't answer his previous question, motioning over to your sister, who was currently in the middle of a circle of boys. "She's my sister." You restrained yourself from adding on some snarky comment about her and making an awful first impression with this masked man. "Thought so, you've been glaring at her since I sat down here." "You're very observant." It came out a bit more sarcastic than you had intended but there was nothing you could do about that now. "Well, I can tell you don't want to be here too." This man just wouldn't give up but maybe that wasn't such of a bad thing since now you had someone to talk to. "Maybe," You said, swiveling your body to face him and you couldn't help but notice the beautiful smile the wouldn't leave his lips despite how cold you've been to him. "But I do appreciate you coming over here to talk to me since I've been alone all night." The man, who's name you still didn't know, smiled and fidgeted in his seat. "Well, my mates were practically hounding me to come over and talk to you since, apparently, I've been staring at you since I arrived." Both of you instantly blushed at his comment and you knew that, if you were going to dance with anyone tonight, it was going to be with this man. "Well then..." You trailed off waiting for him to catch on and reveal his name. "Liam, I'm Liam." "Well then, Liam, I think it's only fair that you owe me a dance then, since you've been staring at me all night..."

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