#85 Tenerife Sea (Song Preference)

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Louis: You look so wonderful in your dress; I love your hair like that

He couldn't keep his eyes off of you and everyone in the room seemed to be aware of this, except for you that is. His eyes were practically glued to you the entire night, completely ignoring the annoyed grumbles from the paps since they couldn't get his attention on anything but you. But he didn't care. He didn't even want to go to that awards show in the first place. Louis would have preferred to have stayed home and watch that new comedy show that you had been raving on and on about but as soon as he saw you step down stairs in the form fitting, deep purple dress with your hair perfectly curled and sitting on your left shoulder, Louis felt overwhelmed with love and adoration. "You look so wonderful." He whispered, his quiet tone was quite the contrast compared to the yelling of the crowd. This whole experience was all new to you but having Louis by your side helped to calm you and just his small compliments helped to reassure you that you were doing fine.

Liam: You got the kind of look in your eyes; As if no one knows anything but us

There's always rumors swirling around about you two and your relationship status and you always brushed that sort of thing to the side but Liam, on the other hand, always seemed to acknowledge it and let it get under his skin for some reason. So, of course, when there was a report on TV about how you had been seen leaving another man's house, Liam started moping around the house. It wasn't that he believed what they were saying, especially because they hinted that they thought you were cheating. He just sulked because he knew that he would never have the private, normal relationship that apart of him secretly yearned for. "Li," You pouted, sitting next to him on the bed, instantly taking the remote from him and turning off the TV. "I know you wish that we didn't have to deal with things like this but if you didn't acknowledge it then it would just be like it's you and I. Nobody else. Because nobody else's opinion matters on our relationship as long as we're happy." And, in that moment, Liam knew that we would follow your advice because it was clear that you had that right kind of mindset.

Niall: I'm so in love, so in love; So in love, so in love

"I'm scared." Niall hummed, trying to hide his shaking hands but couldn't despite his hardest attempts. "Don't be." Harry said with confidence, which completely contrasted Niall's skepticism and anxiousness at the moment. "B-But what," Niall sighed deeply, reaching up to thread his fingers through his hair. He continued to tug on his hair for a few minutes which, somehow, seemed to calm him down enough to sit on the couch near Harry and hold a civil conversation. "What if she says no?" Niall finished off his previous thought. He was slightly scared to admit it out loud but he knew that it could very well be a possible outcome and he didn't know how he would react if that really happened. And before Harry could even shoot down that idea, Niall continued to ramble on. "Like what if she says no and then she doesn't want anything to do with me after that? I don't think that I could handle not having her in my life. I just love her so, so, so much. I don't know what I'd do without her. I just, I love her." Harry soon jumped in when he saw that Niall had paused for a moment. "Niall, you've already got a ring for her and you've planned everything out to a T. Nothing will go wrong and she will say yes because she loves you just as much as you love her. I think that she'll be ecstatic about this and I better be the best man at your wedding because I won't go unless I am." Niall let out a loud laugh and felt his nerves calm a bit. "Now," Harry spoke, springing up from the couch. "Go and get the love of your life."

Zayn: I want you to know it's enough for me; 'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need

"I-I know that it's not much, but I, uh, I tried my best..." You stumbled over your words as you took in Zayn's reaction but he hid his emotions well which made it hard to analyze his feelings. It had taken you all day to make this dinner (Zayn's favorite meal which you called his mother for her recipe to make sure that you had it perfect) and set up the scented candles all around the house just to add to the romantic atmosphere. "You did all of this for me?" He finally spoke up although his eyes were still wandering over every detail of the room. And you nodded in responce before you realized that he wasn't looking at you so quickly confirmed that you did. "I wasn't sure if this would be too much or not enough but I-" "This is all I need." He interrupted you, making his way toward you and he instantly pulled you into a hug when he was close enough. "No one has ever gone through so much trouble for me and you are all I'll ever want or need, baby girl. Now let's eat before it gets cold."

Harry: We are surrounded by all of these lies; And people who talk too much

"I hate that it's like we're always being watched under a microscope and everyone has to say their thoughts on us. I just wish that they would just shut up sometimes." Harry mumbled as he collapsed onto the fluffy white bed. His hair splayed around his head on the pillow. "Rough day?" You inquired, marking your page in your book, and he nodded. "Just hate that it seems like people don't want me to be happy. All I want is for other people to be happy but, lately, it seems like everyone around me just says these things to get under my skin and break me down." Harry seemed so defeated and you wished that you could just fix all of his problems because someone as kindhearted and lovely person like Harry doesn't deserve half the shit that he goes through. "I'm sorry," You sighed, pushing away some hair that had fallen in front of his eyes. "I really wish I could help make you forget all about that and make everything better." You've never been good at consoling someone but you opted for telling him how you truly felt because there was no sense in fabricating a story when telling the truth was much better. "Not your fault. I'm just glad that you're mine because you make dealing with those lies worth it. I just wish it was just you and me sometimes." He mumbled, sluggishly reaching out to grab your hand and threading your fingers together before he allowed his eyes to slip close and wipe away the struggles of that day.

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