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Louis: “You have to what?” As soon as the words left your mouth, you immediately regretted it. You know Louis would freak out but, oddly enough, he seemed hurt. “I have to kiss him, it’s only going to be one kiss but I figured that I should still tell you…” Louis didn’t reply immediately, gripping onto the edge of the couch. “Wait, you’re going to be kissing Dylan O’Brian?” “Right, but, if you want, you can come onto set with me that day so that you can see it’s nothing more than acting.” He sighed, shaking his head. “Nah, I’m gonna trust you. There’s always headlines of me cheating or things like that but you always trust me so this is my chance to trust you…” 

Liam: “This is a joke right?” He laughs loudly, completely believing that you were joking with him. “You’re can’t actually be acting out a sex scene with Evan Peters?” His smile completely fades as he realizes that you had laughed with him or denied it yet. “I’m sorry, Li… It’s part of the script and I have to do it, they can’t cut it out.” “So, you’re telling me, they’re going to film my girlfriend half naked and practically having sex with one of her co-stars?” “It’s not like that, Liam. It’s going to be completely professional and you should understand that, if I had a choice, I wouldn’t be doing this…” He sighed, walking over to you and embracing you in a tight hug. “Just remember,” He leaned down to whisper in your ear. “After this, you owe me a sex tape—a real one.”

Niall: “What?” His voice cracked slightly as he spoke. “You’re what?” “I have to kiss Paul Wesley when I’m guest starring on The Vampire Diaries but it’s just like three kisses then it’s over. Nothing more…” It was obvious that Niall was a bit hurt by the fact that you were going to be kissing another man when the only person that you should be kissing fiancé. “I’m sorry…” You quickly added, hoping that that would reassure him a bit. “It’s not your fault, y/n. Maybe I can come with you that day? Then I could observe your amazing acting skills…” He attempted to add the last part since he was trying to hide his jealously but you, being the amazing fiancé that you are, pretended to completely overlook his jealously. “That sounds nice, Niall. Maybe we could go to lunch after I film my scene…”

Zayn: “You’re not doing that.” He said, not even looking up from his phone. You expected him to be happy for you since this is your first big tv series scene and, though it wasn’t a huge role, you were still excited to be able to be in such a huge movie. “What?” You choked out, trying to hide your sadness from Zayn. “I’m not going to let someone film you kissing another man when you’re my girl especially if you’re going to be kissing your celebrity crush, Jensen Ackles.” “You don’t understand, Zayn. First of all he’s 35, married, and he has a kid. Nothing is going to happen and you just need to trust me. This is an amazing opportunity for me and I’m doing this whether you want me to or not but I’d much rather that you support my decision of doing this.” He sighed, finally looking up from his phone and you noticed a slight look as sadness in his eyes. “I’ll always support you, baby. I’m sorry I get jealous. I can’t help it when I’ve got a beautiful girlfriend that I hate sharing with others…”

Harry: Harry’s reaction was a bit strange when you told him. It was like he went into shock in a way, he was completely silent for over an hour and practically refused to leave the bedroom. You were slightly afraid that he was mad at you but, in the end, there was nothing you could do about it. “So you’ll be kissing Jamie Campbell Bower?” Harry said, speaking to you for the first time since you told him. You nodded shyly, unsure of what he would do next. “Just one kiss and that’s it?” “That’s it.” He sighed, practically pulling you onto his lap. “You’re mine; make sure that you never fucking forget that.” His lips roughly connected with yours, carrying you off to the bedroom for a very long night.

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