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Happy New Year Everyone 🥂
Wishing each one of you a wonderful year ahead!!

Naira stumbled into the Salvatore dining room, her hair slightly disheveled and her hand massaging her temples. Damon was already seated, lazily flipping through a magazine while sipping his coffee. Stefan was across from him, buttering toast with his usual precision.

"Morning, sunshine," Damon drawled, smirking. "How's the head?"

"Throbbing," Naira muttered, plopping into a chair. "Please tell me you have some magical cure for this."

Damon slid a glass of orange juice across the table. "This, and maybe a little of my famous hangover remedy." He leaned closer, mock-whispering. "It's just coffee, aspirin, and the power of sarcasm."

Before Naira could retort, the door swung open, and Klaus and Rebekah walked in. Rebekah, glowing even with her four-month bump, was grinning ear-to-ear, while Klaus carried his usual air of calm confidence.

Klaus walked straight to Naira, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead. "Feeling better, love?"

"A little," Naira said, smiling up at him. "Though my dignity's still in shambles."

As Klaus straightened, his eyes caught Stefan's across the table. For a brief moment, the two exchanged an awkward, knowing smile—one born of last night's drunken declaration of "Klefan."

Rebekah burst into laughter, clutching her bump. Damon followed, nearly spitting out his coffee.

"What?" Naira asked, looking between them.

"Oh, Naira," Rebekah said, wiping a tear. "It seems your adventures with Kol weren't just about glitter bombs and chocolate theft." She proceeded to recount the entire night, from Naira's drunken antics to her inspired theory of "Klefan."

By the end, Naira's face was buried in her hands. "I said that? Out loud?"

"Yes, and you were quite convincing," Damon said, his lips twitching in amusement.

Later that morning, Klaus took Naira's hand and led her to his art studio.

"I have something to show you," he said, his tone both teasing and affectionate.

As they stepped inside, Naira immediately spotted it—her infamous wolf painting, a cartoonish puppy wearing sunglasses in the center. Klaus had framed it.

"You kept it?!" Naira exclaimed, half mortified, half laughing.

"How could I not?" Klaus said, grinning. "It's... unique."

Naira approached the painting, inspecting her drunken handiwork. "The sunglasses really bring out the pup's personality," she joked, trying to keep a straight face.

"I must admit," Klaus said, wrapping his arms around her from behind, "it has a certain charm. Though I wouldn't exactly call it museum-worthy."

"Hey, it's modern art," Naira said, tilting her head to look up at him. "You're just not cultured enough to appreciate it."

Klaus chuckled, kissing the top of her head. "You're impossible, you know that?"

"And yet, here you are," she teased, leaning into him.

That evening, Bonnie arrived at the Mikaelson mansion to check up on Rebekah and the baby. As she worked her magic, Kol lounged nearby, munching on an apple and tossing out his usual cheeky remarks.

"So, Bon Bon dear," Kol began, smirking. "What happens if little Henry turns out to be Henrietta?"

Bonnie shot him a glare. "Then we'll call her Henrietta and still love her."

Rebekah rolled her eyes, smiling. "Kol, don't jinx it. I'm already dealing with enough without you adding gender crises to the mix."

Kol grinned. "Just saying, you should prepare for all outcomes. I'd be an excellent uncle either way."

Bonnie finished her spell and turned to Rebekah. "Everything looks perfect. But I still think it's a good idea to see an actual doctor, just to be sure."

Rebekah nodded. "I've already made an appointment for tomorrow." She turned to Stefan, who had been sitting quietly beside her. "Will you come with me?"

Stefan smiled, taking her hand. "Of course. I wouldn't miss it."

Rebekah's face softened, her eyes glistening. "Thank you, Stefan."

Kol pretended to gag. "Alright, that's enough sentimental romance for one night."

"Shut up, Kol," Rebekah and Stefan said in unison, making the rest of the room laugh.

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