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The Mikaelson mansion buzzed with energy as Rebekah's due date loomed closer. Every member of the extended family had thrown themselves into preparations, making sure everything was perfect for the arrival of baby Henry. The air was thick with anticipation, love, and just a hint of chaos.

Rebekah had officially been banned from moving a muscle. Klaus had declared it so, and when Klaus declared something, no one dared to argue—except Rebekah herself.

"I am pregnant, not paralyzed!" Rebekah groaned from her spot on the couch as Caroline fluffed the pillows around her for the third time that day.

"Uh-uh," Caroline retorted, hands on her hips. "You're carrying the first baby Mikaelson in centuries. We're not taking any chances. Just sit there, look pretty, and let us do everything."

Rebekah huffed, but Stefan, seated beside her, took her hand and smiled. "Come on, Bex. You might as well enjoy the royal treatment while it lasts. In a few days, you'll be chasing a baby around the house."

Kol leaned against the doorway, smirking. "Speak for yourself, Stefan. I'm planning to teach little Henry to fend for himself by age two. Start with some survival instincts—'how to avoid Uncle Kol's pranks' sounds like a good lesson."

Rebekah rolled her eyes. "The only thing you'll teach him is how to cheat at cards."

"Exactly," Kol said with a grin.

Every day, Bonnie stopped by to check on Rebekah and the baby using her magic. She would place her hands gently over Rebekah's bump, her face serene as she murmured an incantation.

"How's Henry doing today?" Rebekah would ask anxiously, her voice softer than usual.

"Strong," Bonnie reassured her with a warm smile. "He's a Mikaelson, after all. But I'll admit, he's also a little stubborn. Probably gets that from Klaus."

From across the room, Klaus snorted. "Careful, witch. He's already my favorite family member, and he's not even born yet."

Bonnie just smirked and continued her work, ensuring everything was progressing smoothly.

One evening, Rebekah clutched her belly suddenly, her breath catching. Stefan was by her side in an instant.

"Bex? What's wrong?" he asked, his voice tight with concern.

"I-I think it's starting!" she gasped.

Within seconds, the entire house descended into chaos. Klaus barked orders, Kol ran around aimlessly, and Elijah tried to maintain calm, all while Rebekah insisted they were overreacting.

It turned out to be a false alarm—just Braxton Hicks contractions. But Stefan stayed with her the entire night, holding her hand, whispering soothing words, and rubbing her back until she drifted off to sleep.

The group decided on a home birth, not trusting hospitals or outsiders with the safety of a Mikaelson baby. They transformed one of the mansion's guest rooms into a delivery suite, complete with medical supplies, spells, and every comfort Rebekah could need.

"Are we sure this is safe?" Damon asked skeptically as he and Finn carried in boxes of supplies.

"Relax, Salvatore," Finn replied, setting the boxes down. "Bonnie's magic is more reliable than any doctor, and the midwife we've hired has delivered dozens of babies."

"And the bourbon I'm bringing will keep us all sane," Damon muttered, though there was a glimmer of genuine concern in his eyes.

One night, as Rebekah sat in her room feeling anxious and restless—her due date had come and gone, and still no baby...Naira sat beside her, trying to calm her.

"You know he'll come when he's ready," Naira said softly, stroking Rebekah's hair.

"What if something's wrong?" Rebekah whispered, tears welling in her eyes. "What if"

"Shh," Naira interrupted, pulling her into a gentle hug. "You're not doing this alone, Bex. We're all here for you. Henry's just waiting for the perfect moment to make his grand entrance. He's your son, after all...he already has a flair for drama."

Rebekah laughed weakly, wiping her tears. Just then, Finn appeared at the door with a soft smile.

"Come with us, sister" he said.

Klaus, Elijah, Kol, and Finn led Rebekah to a small room adjacent to hers. When they opened the door, Rebekah gasped.

The nursery was perfect. A beautiful wooden crib, hand-carved by Elijah and Finn, stood in the center of the room. The walls were painted a soft, calming blue, with whimsical clouds and stars...Klaus's handiwork. And in the corner was a mountain of toys, including a PlayStation, courtesy of Kol.

"You didn't have to..." Rebekah whispered, tears streaming down her face.

Elijah stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're our sister, Rebekah. We did this because we love you. And because we know Henry will be the luckiest child in the world to have you as his mother."

Damon sauntered in, holding a plush toy shaped like a bourbon bottle. "And because I was the comic relief during all of this," he added, tossing the toy to her. "Figured the kid might need a sense of humor, growing up in this madhouse."

Rebekah laughed, clutching the toy to her chest. "You're all insufferable. And I love you for it."

Kol smirked. "She's crying. Definitely the hormones."

"Shut up, Kol," everyone said together...totally in sync.

As the night wore on, the Mikaelsons and their friends sat together, feeling closer than ever. They were ready no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them as a family...not exactly...a team— surely.

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