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After several minutes of walking and complaining, they'd all arrived at their destination- a nightclub that appeared to be very upscale and aimed at upper-class vampires.

Garrett, walking directly beside Daci, who was still wearing the blindfold, spoke in a somewhat amused tone. "Are you ready for your birthday surprise?"

Daci, still completely unable to see and walking much slower than usual, grumbled back at him.

"Are you going to take this thing off of me?"

Sybil, who was walking close to the two, spoke in an unusually excited tone.

"We need you to walk into the club with that on first."

"Walk into the what?"

Garrett, now walking more slowly so that Daci didn't stumble over the threshold, bit as he glanced over to Sybil.

"You weren't supposed to tell her, genius."

Sybil, seeming unbothered that she had just revealed the surprise, spoke again, her tone slightly amused. "I did not think that I was telling her anything- I assumed she would realize her surprise was inside of a nightclub when we brought her into a nightclub."

Jaro, who was now walking next to Sybil, spoke up in a quieter voice, trying to hide a small laugh. "You shouldn't have assumed- you know how slow on the uptake she is."

"I am not slowed with the uptakes."

Jaro let the small laugh escape. "Really? You're just proving my point."

Daci, now even more annoyed, turned around to face her directly "Well that is just one point, Jarosława. Unfortunately for you, I have two points- both of which are about to be in the side of your neck-"

Eleanor, holding onto Daciana's arm, interrupted her wife before she could continue. "Do not threaten people in public."

Daci was now tilting her head in a strange direction, trying to shake off the blindfold.

"I will threaten whomever I want. You are aware that I am not incapable of harming people just because you are holding my arm, yes?"

Eleanor, keeping a firm grip on Daci's arm, spoke as if she were scolding a small child. "I am aware that you are perfectly capable of harming people while being held in place- and of course, I am also aware that you are perfectly capable of fighting everyone here at once and winning. But that would be messy, and I know how much you would hate getting blood all over your nice birthday dress, so behave."

Daci, now resigned to the fact that she was not going to be able to remove the blindfold until they reached the correct location, gave a heavy sigh.

"This is humiliating, you know."

Sybil, unable to hold back a small laugh, spoke again. "Because everyone in the past two weeks has watched you do the absolute most undignified things I have ever seen you do, this blindfold experience is probably the least embarrassing thing that you could be doing right now. Be grateful."

Daci, who had just nearly tripped over another threshold, gave a small huff, now turning her head away from everyone else.

"I do not recall you all watching me do something humiliating."

Dorothea, who had finally just followed everyone through the door, laughed from her place at the back of the group. "Have you already forgotten about the whole 'plushie' incident? I doubt that I will ever forget that."

"The fact that you are so bad at pronouncing single-syllable words is honestly the funniest thing I have experienced within the last month," Sybil added.

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