The hero

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The cackling continued.
Lucy and Rogue stood still as the door that was once closed, slowly creaked open.
Both had frightened looks on their faces.
Even Rogue.
"I don't know how you knew where to look but it's not going to be that easy!" The person said finally revealing themselves, they had spiky black hair and red eyes, but their earrings were crosses and black clothes, baggy pants and a black buttoned shirt.
His eyes had a crazed look that frightened Lucy.
"I told you we'd meet again," he said with the creepy smile that the Joker from batman had.
Lucy gasped.
"I'll protect you, this time!" Rogue yelled standing in front of Lucy protectively.
She was to shocked or scared to object or say much of anything.
"Oh so you think I'll let you have her?!" The man yelled maniacally.
"What do you want?" Rogue yelled/asked.
Then the man looked at Rogue with insane eyes and said," I once worked with her father..."

The story...
His name is Boe-Jet and he was once from a guild. He was a shadow-make mage. His guild disbanded many years ago and he became rich with a son but lost his wife.
But when his life long partners daughter says no to his sons and his partners daughters engagement, his son went out of control and killed himself.
His sons name was Lucky.
He was all he had left, so he when he found out that the girl was in a guild he decided his first part of revenge would be take the girls most precious thing from her because she took the most precious thing from him.
Then he planned on killing her with them.
But only the one with the contacts could summon them so he dropped that plan...
"But!" Lucy yelled angrily, "I didn't kill your son!"
Boe-Jet looked at her with the same crazed look in his eyes that say 'I'll kill you'.
"Oh on the contrary your the reason he's dead!" Boe-Jet shouted leaping into the air, his body was turning into shadows.
But Rogue yelled, "SHADOW DRIVE!"
But it turned out Boe-Jet didn't have just shadow make he was a magic card user as well and he flung his keys at Rogue and simply snapped his fingers, as the bombs went off.
There was nothing but smile on the air and Lucy tried looking for the champion but she couldn't over the smoke.
But when the smoke finally cleared Boe-Jet was the only remaining person.
Rogue laid on the ground, beaten and burned from the bomb.
"Rogue!" Lucy yelled, panicking.
Rogue's eyes were closed and his chin looked bruised and bloody.
He had no emotion, he laid lifeless.
But she knew he was still breathing.
She heard his rough breathes that sounded thick and were mostly heavily breathes.
"Your boyfriend can't save you now!" Boe-Jet snickered.
Lucy for into the position to open a gate and yelled, "Open Gate of the Bull! Tarus! "
And then Tarus appeared immediately in front of her, "Moo! I'm glad you and your smoking hot body are ok!"
And the Bull charged at Boe-Jet, headfirst.
But Boe-Jet easily dodged it so Lucy pulled ikr Lokes key and yelled, "Open Gate of the lion! Leo!"
Then Loke appeared, "hey there beautiful."
And he pulled his fist out and swung it at Boe-Jet, who was already having trouble with Tarus.
While they were fighting Lucy took this opportunity and ran to Rogue.
"Rogue!" Lucy said whimpering.
She was on her knees, and rolled him onto his back.
Then Boe-Jet did something that took away Tarus!
And he was sent back into the celestial world.
Lucy turned to see what had happened when she witnessed Loke fly through the air, also disappearing into the celestial world.
"Loke?" Lucy said kinda yelling.
He just gave a weak wave before completely disappearing.
She looked back at Rogue who was out cold, and thought of using her keys.
She was reaching for her keys when a stinging pain so strong it threw her afar, and her back slid on the dirt ground.
"Ouch!" She yelped before tumbling back to her feet, but when she did she was forced to the ground by a fist.
It was Boe-Jet!
The look in his eyes were still insane and merciless.
She felt him kick her repeatedly on the sides of her stomach.
"Gate of-" Lucy didn't finish, Boe-Jet picked her up by her hair, using one hand.
She looked at him and he had an ugly smirk.
"What's the hero gonna do now, huh?" He asked evilly, bringing her mistakingly close.
As the two were close enough, her foot was free and she yelled,
She kicked him so hard he was forced to let go of her and he fell to the ground.
"Victory!" She said happily pulling out her whip, ready for the real battle to begin.

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