Chapter 5: Lazy days & Chase

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I woke up the next afternoon with a pounding head-ache and a huge craving for ice-cream. I tended to sleep in on Saturday's and having a hangover made it ten times worse. Hence why, I woke up in the afternoon.

I quickly took an asprin, had a shower, changed and went downstairs. Saturday's for me are always lazy days, hence why I was wearing sweat pants and a shirt that said: "Today I don't feel like doing anything." Which was exactly how I felt like. Thankfully the head-ache was now going down.

I went downstairs and found a note that was posted on the fridge. It was from my parents saying that they were at my grandparents house and that they'd be back home late.

I was going to go upstairs to check on Chase when suddenly just my phone got a text.

Chase: Hey Sis! Out with a friend. Be back later! also this friend happens to be a girl :P . So I probably won't be back later ;)

Tay: Urgh! Gross I did not need to know that! Some bro you are! Thanks for ditching me >_<

Chase: Aww ur welcome baby sis :P and ur right you didn't need to know that but I told you anyway!

Tay: Ur such a dork! I pity the poor girl :/

Chase: Well I pity you sis :'( I hope you enjoy being a loner! :P

Tay: Grrr go to hell!!!!! ;(

Chase: Meet you there sis :D

Tay: Whatever! And arn't you supposed to be on a date instead of texting me!

Chase: Yeah but she's in the changing room! And I got bored waiting!

Tay: Wait what? Changing Room?

Chase: Chick dragged me to fucking mall!! Dress shopping for her sisters wedding! >_

Tay: hahahahahahahahahahaha I can't breathe I'm literally on the floor right now laughing my ass off!! I have got to meet this chick!!!!!

Chase: Shut Up!!! There's no way in hell that you're meeting her. EVER!

Tay: Aww c'mon bro. BTW i'm still laughing :P. Seriously though she seems cool!

Chase: Ur just saying that coz she dragged me to go dress shopping with her!

Tay: You know me well :D

Chase: Anyway sis, I gotta go! Duty calls.

Tay: You mean Dress Shopping Calls! :P. I won't be suprised if you come back home wearing a pink tutu and covered in glitter :P

Chase: I will be rocking that look sis! And you know it!!!

Tay: hahahaha! Sure keep telling yourself that! Anyways have fun being a girl :P

Chase: Yeah, yeah. Have fun being a loner :P

I was texting him while at the same time helping myself to my favourite ice-cream: Chocolate. I finished the whole thing and was bored otta my mind.

So naturally I did what I usually do in situations like this. I then blasted songs from the speakers that my dad got me and Chase for our birthday.

What? If everybody was gone then this was the perfect time to make the neighbours deaf. Granted it was only 4pm in the afternoon but whatever.

I shuffled through my songs which consisted of various artists ranging from Imagine Dragons all the way to Sam Smith.

I had over 1000 songs and counting. So as "Loyal" by Chris Brown was playing I was dancing around the living room like a crazy person not caring If I looked like I was having a seizure.

Then suddenly Amber walked in followed by Sandy and Lilly looking at me and laughing. What? I don't suck at dancing that much right?

"The door was open, nice moves." Said Amber looking like she was going to laugh again.

"Remind me to lock the door next time. Thanks." I told her while she just rolled her eyes at me.

"So what happened to you yesterday? I heard you went to Chris's party. Is that true?" Asked Lilly looking curious.

"Urgh! Don't remind me. I got super wasted!" I told her while face-palming.

"Well, are you going to tell us what happened?" Asked Sandy looking impatient.

So I ended up telling them everything that happened as they were sitting on the couch and listening to me intently while eating vanilla ice-cream, since I finished the cholcolate one. I told them about me stealing his booz right up to the time when we waved him goodbye.

"So yeah that's pretty much what happened." I told them while shrugging.

"I take it you don't hate him anymore, then." Said lilly.

"Pfft once a jerk, always a jerk. I still hate him." I said looking at her like she was crazy.

"He's just so fustrating, though! I mean one minute he's a jerk and the next minute he's actually kind of bearable." I told them. I mean at the party he wasn't that bad. Although thay may have been due to fact that he was drunk and so was I.

"Well it's a good thing that he's bearable then, because you'll be spending a hell of a lot of time with him." She said refering to the fact that I'm gonna have detention with the jerk for 2 whole months.

"Whatever! He's just lucky that I'm a nice person."

"Pfft you, nice? You're kidding right?" Said Amber snickering.

"Yeah and I'm Santa Clause and Sandy's a tooth fairy." Said Lilly joining Amber and Sandy who were now flat out laughing at me.

"Hey! It's true! Stop laughing all of you!" I said glaring at them which just caused them to laugh harder.

"No offense Taylor but you are the complete opossite of nice." Said Amber who was now sobering up a bit.

"I can be nice...........when I want to be." I told them. Seriously though, it's not like I'm a heartless bitch. Okay I may be a heartless bitch most of the time but that doesn't mean I'm not human.

"Okay, whatever you say." Said Amber still not seeming to believe me.

"You know what? Fine! I'll prove to you guys that I can be nice. For the whole of next week only, I promise to not swear at anyone or display any type of violent behavior." I told them being deadly serious.

"Really?" They all asked at the same time.

"Yeah and If I do end up swearing any time during that week, you guys will come up with a dare for me to do and I can't back out of it." So you see the lengths I will go to, just to prove a point? Yep I'm stubborn like that.

"Shit just got real!" Said Amber looking like somebody gave her a free ticket to one of her favourite bands while she gave me an evil smile.

Yeah I'm kinda regreting this already. I learnt a long time ago to never underestimate anyone with blonde hair and an evil smile. I'm Speaking from years of experience here. So yeah, shit just got mega real!

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