Chapter 4: Vodka and Apologies?

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Photo of Chris ↑

We were standing in front of a mansion bigger than your average sized mansion. Yep you heard that right, not only is Chris an asshole but he's a rich asshole.

Chase was wearing jeans and a v-neck while I was unfortunately forced into wearing a black dress. The only plus side was that I was doing this for a good cause so I refrained from puching Chase in the face.

"Tay, if we're going to crash a party don't you think that we should go inside rather than standing outside here just staring at his mansion?"

"Whatever, let's go." I said while walking straight into the party. It was already in full swing as "Wobble" by Flo Rida was blasting through the speakers and people were already wasted.

"Hey Sis? You going to be okay? I'm just going to go find the guys over there." He then gestured to his friends standing around a keg. Why am I not suprised?

"Yeah I'll be fine, go get wasted!" I told him while he just gave me the "thumbs up" sign.

I then decided to go get a drink since there was no way that I was going to get through this sober.

I was drinking a vodka bottle that I found in his fridge. What? You can't crash a party without stealing the owner's booz, you just can't. When Chris decides to pull the bottle out of my hands. He was wearing a white v-neck with black jeans and his signature leather jacket. In short, he looked devilishly handsome. Damn him and his hotness!

"You sit in my seat and now you drink my beer? You are on a roll there, Feisty! and I'm also pretty sure you weren't invited!" He said while taking a swig at the bottle.

"Chrisy Baby, why so angry?" I say just to piss him off. I put my hands on his chest while batting my eye-lashes innocently at him all the while trying not to laugh at his reaction.

He looked like a fish out of water opening and closing his mouth. Damn that was priceless! Seeing this golden opportunity I then swiftly grabbed the bottle out of his hands and made my way to the make-shift dance floor.

"What the fuck? Dammit! get back here!" I heard him shout all the way from the kitchen and I couldn't help but laugh my ass off.

I finished the bottle and was dancing away to "Timber" by Pittbull featuring Ke$ha. I was half way through another bottle when it got snatched out of my hands again by none other then Chris.

"Okay I think that's enough Feisty. You are obviously wasted."

"Pfft No I'm not." I argued while tripping over my own feet. Yeah that was so not convincing.

"Yeah.... you just tripping says otherwise, c'mon let's go and find your brother." He said while grabbing my hand. The girlish side of me was gushing about how perfectly my hand fit in his while my sensible side was yelling at me to get a grip.

"No I'm going anywhere with you! You're a meanie." Meanie? Fuck I must be really wasted. I mean is that even an insult?

"Meanie? What are you five?" He said looking amused. Wait what? Amused?

"I'm 6 actually." I said while poking my tongue at him.

"Yep you are wasted alright. If you were sober you wouldn't let me drag you to go find your brother." Yeah he was right. If I was sober I wouldn't let him drag me because I'd be the one dragging hell.

"You're my last resort and plus your house is fucking huge! No way would I want to get lost in here with these people." I said shuddering while gesturing to the assholes that I call my peers.

He chuckled and just shook his head at me. What the hell? Did I enter some kind of parallel universe where we're actually nice to each other?

"Yeah whatever you say but you and I both know that you're wasted." He said smirking knowingly at me.

"Whatever!" He then lead me to the back yard and I was pleasently suprised to find that it wasn't filled with mindless teens. Although I started to freak out when I realised that it was just me and him here, outside and alone. Who knows what he could do?

"If you're going to kill me then I suggest you find another victim because I sure as hell ain't going down without a fight!"

"Feisty Seriously? If I was going to kill you I wouldn't get a chance to because I'd already be dead because you would be the one to kill me." He told me while seeming shocked that I would think that he was going to kill me.

"Yeah for once I actually agree with you." I say while smiling sweetly at him.

"Anyway I was going to do this tomorrow but since you're here. I might as well just say this now." He told me while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk to you."  Say what now? He's Sorry?

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I said I'm sorry for being a jerk to you. Damn! only you would get me to repeat myself when I suck at  apologies." I couldn't help but chuckle at this. He then glared at me.

"Sorry it's just that I wasn't expecting you to apologize. I mean I was also a bitch to you so I guess I'm sorry also." I said while shrugging.

"You guess? Damn you're even worse at apologies than I am." He says while snickering.

"Whaever! I accept your apology but, you're still a jerk." I told him while punching him in the shoulder. The thing about me is that I forgive people too easily. I'm still trying to decide whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

Anyway I was just about to tell him that we should probably go and find Chase, who was probably passed out by now somewhere and that it was getting late. When I turned around to find him staring at me intently.

"You're not like all the other girls." He told me and it seemed like he was actually being genuine. Well Congratulations, you finally figured it out!

"Yeah I know. I'm Special like a Unicorn." I told to him while he just shook his head amused at me.

"You do realise that unicorns don't exist right?"

"No they do exist, you just haven't seen one yet "

"Oh and you have?"

"Yep with my own eyes. It was an amazing shade of white, it's horn was rainbow coloured and it was floating on a chocolate cloud."

"I ate the chocolate cloud and the unicorn flew away. Unfortunately my dream ended before I could find out what would happen next." I told him with a pout and to my suprise I turned around to find him laughing his ass off.

"It's not funny, stop laughing!" I said glaring at him. In response he only laughed harder.

"You are completely wasted, Damn! we really need to find your brother."

Luckily we didn't have to look that far because I ran straight into him as we were walking down the halls. We
then proceeded to walk all the way out of his house.

"Well as much as I enjoy being laughed at, we really should be going home." I said refering to Chase and I.

I then got into the car followed by Chase. Chris was just standing there looking like he was holding back his laughter. JERK!

"I'll see you at school, unicorn girl." He told me with a smirk.

"See yah, Chrisy!" I shouted at the same time as Chase said: "See yah, Man!" Yeah definite TM if you haven't already guessed what it stands for, it stands for "Twin Moment".

As soon as I got home, I threw myself on the bed and passed out. Tonight had been one of the most weirdest nights of my life. Little did I know that if I thought this was weird, then there was a lot more weirdness to come. In the form of some idiot named Chris.

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