Annoying Offenderman

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A/N:Continuem(do i spell that right?) from 'Ragdoll's Mom'.Remember the Slender brothers is absence in the previous chapter,lets just say they just arrive this morning to join for breakfast

Slenderman:*downstairs in the kitchen cooking breakfast*

*some of the creepypasta already sitting on the table waiting for breakfast to be serve even the Slender brothers is there*

Slenderman:Ragdoll,be a good girl and please,wake up your mom

Ragdoll:*yawn*Sure Dad

Trenderman:I thought you're a single parent?

Offenderman:So,who's the lucky lady?

Splendorman:She sound splendid^0^

BEN:It's Ragdoll's creator so-

Jeff:*cuts in*In a way,she is Ragdoll's mom and Slendy's wife

Phantom:*walks into the kitchen and sit at the table*What are you guys talking about?

Masky:Ragdoll's mom(Check the a/n in the end of this chapter)

Phantom:*chokes on his own spit*WAIT!!WHAT THE HELL?!THE MOTHER'S SATAN IS HERE?!?!

Ragdoll:*come into the kitchen*Are you talking about my mom?!

Kana:*walks in with just wearing Slendy's oversized shirt and panties*

Phantom:*shriek*AAHHHH!!!BEGON SATAN'S!!

Ragdoll:*kick Phantom across the room*

Phantom:*passed out*

Offenderman:*wolf whistles*Wow!!who's the new chick??

Splendorman:She's beautiful

Kana:*yawn*Slendy~where's my clothes?

Slenderman:I'm sorry honey,but i'm afraid i axcidentally rip them off of you last night,i didn't know you had it in you

Slenderman:*sigh*Brothers i introduce you to Kana,my wife

Kana:*come to Slendy and hug him*What's for breakfast?

Slenderman:Chocolate waffle,your favorite

Kana:*jumps up and down*YAY\(^-^)/

Offenderman:Damn...those boobs


Offenderman:*raise both hands in surrender*

*lets just say the other creepypasta just watch this 'drama'*

Ragdoll:Can we just eat now?!

Jeff:*pulls Ragdoll to his lap*

Ragdoll:*blush*eh...what are you doing?

Jeff:*feed Ragdoll the waffle*

Ragdoll:*munching while blushing*

Kana:*stare at them*so....they had a thing...interesting

Slenderman:*serve the chocolate waffle to Kana,with melted chocolate on top of it*


Slenderman:Do you want me to feed you too?

Kana:*blush*n-no thanks*bring the spoon to her mouth and munching it secretly,the melted chocolate drip down her chin*

Slenderman:*stare Kana*

Kana:Uh..Do i have something on my face?

Slenderman:Yes there is*pull Kana to his lap and lick the melted chocolate*

Kana:*stay still and blushing bright red*

*If they know some of the creepypasta slowly left the table*

Trenderman:*cough*If you like,i can take you shopping.

Kana:um...maybe later,i love Slendy's shirt

Ragdoll:Can't argue with that logic

Jeff:*burried his face into Ragdoll's hair*

Ragdoll:Can you stop sniffing me?



Kana:Aww..that's so cute

BEN:Do you guys realize that most of us is disturbed by your moaning last night?


BEN:*try to mimicked Kana's voice*Slendy faster,harder!!

Slenderman:*use his tentacle to throw BEN to the pool in the backyard(lets just say they have one:p)*




*the room remain silent untill.....*

Offenderman:Tell me Slendy,Do you use handcuffs?!maybe some sex toys?!oh you use 69?!doggy style?!gags?!or maybe she's the one riding you?!what's her pussy taste like?!what size is she?!i say it's C cup???am i right?!what do you think about her moa-

Slenderman:*choke Offendy with his tentacles*THAT'S ENOUGH OFFENDY!!

Kana:*fifty shades of red*

Jeff:Damn~*imagining him woth Ragdoll*

Ragdoll:What are you thinking Jeff?

Jeff:*grin*About you beeing tied in my bed with gags and torture you with some sex toys

Ragdoll:*kick Jeff in the nuts and across the face joining Phantom on the floor*HENTAI!!!!!*blushing*


A/N:Phantom is created by my brother so i'm not his mother,but Phantom and Ragdoll are siblings(you understand right?)
What do you guys think about this chapter?wait why am i writing this?meh...Comment dont forget to vote

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