Movie Night

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*the creepypastas is having a movie night watching Zodiac(a/n:whoever watch this movie comment 'Scissors')*

Kana:*sitting on Slendy's lap while playing his fingers*

Sally:*sitting beside BEN and wearing his hat*

Ragdoll:*cuddling with Jeff*

*in the middle of the movie*

Slenderman:Dove,why is this killer is using my symbol without my permission?

Kana:Relax its just a movie

(A/N:Honestly,thats what i think when first i watch this movie)

*movie ended*

Jeff:*going out on a killing spree*

Sally:*sleeping while cuddling BEN*

BEN:*sleeping while cuddling Sally*

Kana:Aww...i think i am going to cry

Ragdoll:Emotional Mom...

Kana:*get her tab and snap some pictures*this going to instagram

Slenderman:Heh?i thought we keep our existence a  secret

Kana:Simple...just say that they're cosplaying

Slenderman:why didnt i think of that??

Ragdoll:Umm...maybe cuz your still angry seeing they use your symbol

Slenderman:will you excuse going on a killing spree

Kana:*smack Ragdoll's head*

Ragdoll:HEY!!What was that for?!

Kana:*growls*cuz tonight im going to sleep with a faceless man that smells like corpse and wearing a bloody clothes


Kana:*upload the pic to instagram*

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