Pick at the threads
Pull apart the seam
That continues down the
Road of your existenceFiddle with the ends
Can't put it back
Together again once it's
Been taken all apartFeel the stitches and
Continue the methodical pulling
And ripping and tearing
Of your stringy soulIt's all your own
Not someone else's and
Yet you cannot stop
The slow useless murderSee those happy people?
Let them sharpen your
Precision and let deft
Fingers continue ripping seamsDon't slow now the
Hate is just starting
To burn an ugly
Hole in your heartEndlessly into the night
The pulling, frantic, continues
Growing more urgent
As daylight comes closeThe sun rises and
The birds chirp yet
The tugging on life
Continues on and onRealize there is no
End to the string
Unless it is cut
Once and for all
Screeches of the un-oiled Mind
PuisiA collection of "poetry" (if you can really call it that) I'm writing on a whim. It's simply a way for me to get things out of my head so don't expect anything spectacular.