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AN: Hey guys! I know I said I would post this part yesterday, but I got caught up in a bunch of different things and never got around to writing it all down. But here's part three! Just a note, however: tomorrow and Saturday, I have guard practice, so I won't be able to write until I get home in the afternoon. But hopefully, I can publish at least one part, (if not two!) on Sunday! Here's the next thing, though. For the next three weeks, I have band camp from 7 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, so I won't be able to get in a bunch of writing, because by the end of the day I'm exhausted. However, I have Friday thru Sunday off, so hopefully I'll be able to get more of the story to you then!
Sorry for the long author's note. I just wanted to keep you guys updated. Once again, thanks for the positive feedback and reads! Have fun reading! -Emma
Tobin's POV
Walking though security, I glance at my watch. Shit. I have ten minutes. Once I've picked up all my things from the little conveyor belt, I quickly drop my luggage off and break into a sprint towards my flight.

My name is Tobin Powell Heath. I'm 21 years old, and I'm about to miss my flight to New York for a chance to play for the NWSL.

When I finally reach my terminal, there's only two people left in line to board the plane. Slowing down to a brisk walk, I pull out my ticket from my backpack and catch my breath. My family, including my younger brother and two older sisters, are at home. I don't like goodbyes. Technically, home is Basking Ridge, New Jersey. But one week ago, I left home to go visit my friend, Alex, in Portland to hang out with her before we both left for the recruiting camp. I mostly left, however, so I didn't have to say goodbye to my family. Once I've handed the flight attendant my ticket and she scans it, I walk into the plane and find my seat, sitting down and beginning to search my backpack for my phone and bible.

I search for about 30 seconds before I feel a pair of eyes boring into the side of my head. Looking up, I jump slightly as I see the girl next to me staring at me with her mouth hanging open.

"Are...you...okay?" I manage, and raise an eyebrow. I quickly run my eyes over her features. She's quite beautiful. Her hair is pulled back in a bun, and she has large, black frames that somehow bring out her hazel green eyes. I note that those are quite beautiful, as well, and her glasses look a bit like mine.

"Y-yes, you're just...um. You have a...um." She gestures to the corner of her mouth, implying that I have something on my own. I decide to play along and wipe the corner of my mouth, unable to hold in a chuckle as I do so.

"I didn't know that a piece of nonexistent food could hold someone's attention for so long." I change my mind and call her bluff. She turns bright red, the blush creeping up her neck and onto her cheeks. It's very cute. This is going to be an interesting ride. "Oh, don't blush. It happens to the best of us. Getting caught staring at people." I wink, smiling to myself. If possible, her blush deepens.

How cute. I think. Then I notice the things I've been thinking to myself these past few minutes. Without a second thought, I brush this off and tell myself these are normal thoughts. I'm pulled out of my mind by the girl sitting next to me speaking again.

"I'm Samira. I'll be sitting with you."

"Samira? That's almost as cool and uncommon as my name, at least I think. I'm Tobin. Tobin Powell Heath, to be exact." I offer her my hand, and she shakes it.

"Oh, Samira Amelia Johnson, then." Samira Amelia Johnson. It's beautiful. Looking out the window behind her, I notice that there's a dark cloud in the sky, and then a bolt of lightning. Deciding that it's going to be a while before we take off, I lean back in my chair and decide to get to know Samira.

"So, Samira. What are you on this plane for? Where are you from?" I watch the surprise and confusion register on her face.

"Why do you need to know all of a sudden? You could be an axe murderer, for all I know." I throw my head back and laugh loudly, laughing a bit harder when I notice a few other passengers, especially the ones curled up against the windows, glaring at me. When I look back, Samira's pouting. Once again, cute. "What's so funny?"

"Samira Johnson. If I was an axe murderer, I'd already have enough information to kill you. After all, I already know your full name, and all I need to do is Google it." I wiggle my eyebrows and produce a laugh from her. It sounds like the tinkling of bells.

"Okay, but that doesn't answer my question."

"Am I not allowed to get to know my seat partner? We're on this plane for a whole 45 minutes." This earns me an eyeroll.

"Fine. I'm from St. Louis, and I'm going to New York."

"What for?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"Because if you're part of a drug cartel, I need to preform a citizen's arrest right here and now. So unless you want to become the next Piper Chapman, I suggest you give me another story."

"Who says I'm Piper? I could be Alex. For all you know, I'm a badass." I hold back my laugh with a smirk.

"There's something about you that tells me that you couldn't even hurt a fly if you tried."

"For your information, I'm plenty badass."

"Oh really? Well, you can tell me all about that after you tell me why you're actually on this plane."

"Ugh, whatever. I'm going to the NWSL camp in New York to see if I can get recruited." My heart jumps to my throat. I quickly swallow it. That's where I'm going, too. It'll be interesting to see this kid on the field.

"There we go! That wasn't so hard now, was it? And now I can tell you that I'm going there, too!"

"No way!"

"Yes way, Samira Johnson."

"That's so cool!" She seems to go into her own world after that, so I grab my bible and my phone from my bag, plug in my earbuds, lean back once more, press shuffle, and go to start reading a random verse and chapter when pilot announces that the flight has been delayed due to weather. Sighing softly, I go back to reading.

A few minutes in, I glance over at Samira. She's fast asleep. Her whole face is relaxed, and there's several pieces or hair hanging in her face, obstructing it from my view. I go to tuck them behind her ear, but snap my hand back.

What am I doing?
Hey guys! Sorry for such a short chapter, I kind of rushed it so I could update the story! I hope you liked it, though.
So that's Tobin's side of the story! I was thinking every few chapters I'd add a chapter from Tobin's POV, just to show her feelings and thoughts of certain events.
Don't forget to comment what you think, any adjustments you think you should be made, or any suggestions! I'm going to start writing the next chapter right now! (And this is where the gals come in, hopefully ;)) See you then!

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