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Tobin's POV

After Samira leaves, I run my fingers through my hair roughly, then sit down on my bed, puffing my cheeks out and sighing.

"God damn." I whisper to myself, then fall back onto the bed, laying my arms out and closing my eyes. This is why you don't fall for people. I shake my head.

I'm not falling for her.

Yes, I am.


I'd asked Samira to come to my room so I could tell her that the reason I'd been acting weird all week because I liked her, and that I was going to need some space for a while until I got over it. Because I haven't gotten over it.

Samira is the most amazing person that I've ever met. Every time I see her, it pains me to stop looking at her. When we talk, my heart grows a million times bigger. Her laugh is like the tinkling of crystals, and is so contagious. When we were on the plane, I had no idea I'd feel this way about her. But every second we're together, I fall further and further.

Finally, I make a decision.

Stop being being a pussy, Tobin.

Standing up, I walk out of my room and over to Samira and Kelley's. I knock on the door and wait until Cheney opens it.

"Where's Samira?" I look into the room, but don't see her. A-Rod's gorging on popcorn and watching WALL-E intently; Hope and Kelley are fast asleep, Kelley's face buried in Hope's chest and Hope's arm slowly trailing up and down Kelley's back in her sleep.

"She left."

"To go where?"

"For a walk?" Lauren shrugs.

"By herself?"

Cheney's eyes widen. "Shit. Yes."

"Oh my god. You guys let her go for a walk. By herself. In New York. At. Night." I run my hand through my hair. Hope wakes up, carefully getting out from under Kelley, kisses her forehead, and walks over.

"What's going on?" She asks with an arched eyebrow.

"I have to go." I turn and run to the elevator, not bothering to put on shoes. When the elevator doesn't come fast enough, I run to the stairs, running all the way down to the first floor.

•         •

Samira's POV

Pushing through the branches, I grimace as I feel the bark scratch at my arms. Finally, I spot the white and black of my ball, scooping it up into my arms and turning around. When I get back to the field, I drop it and dribble it towards the net, keeping my head down.

Suddenly, a foot swipes in and takes the ball away. I look up and see Tobin dribbling in the opposite direction. She shoots and it finds the back of the net. Then she turns around, running towards me. I go to say something, but get cut off as Tobin's lips crash onto mine.

I jump slightly but instinctively wrap my arms around her neck, kissing her back as her hands find my cheeks, and her thumbs run over the skin smoothly. I slide my hands into her hair, letting them tangle in the brown locks. Tobin walks us slowly backwards until my back hits the goal post and tests against it.

Our lips move in perfect sync, fitting together like the last two pieces of a puzzle. My whole body buzzes with bliss and happiness. It's finally happening.

Eventually, Tobin pulls back, and rests her forehead against mine.

"That's what I couldn't say."

AN: Hey guys! I'm sorry this took so long to upload :( I've been super busy even on my rest days (aka the weekend) from band camp and have been unable to write. I'm super sorry this chapter is so short, but I promise I will try my hardest to make it longer next week! Thanks for reading :)

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