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AN: I said Sunday, so here it is! Sorry it took so long to publish :( I've been really busy with guard and other things. And this week I start band camp, so it's going to be that much harder to update. But I promise I will try my hardest to update every few days if not every day. I hope you guys like this chapter, it's not the best, because I wanted to get it to you guys, but this is where O'Solo makes its first appearance! Enjoy and thanks for reading (Also, 100 reads :o!)

The first week of camp flew by like nothing. We were on the field 10 hours a day practicing and learning skills, and taking different tests so Jill could see where we were strongest. My relationship with Kelley developed quickly, and soon we became the closest friendship on the team. As the youngest on the team, (I'm 19) many of the older players, such as Hope and Carli, started treating me like their child. It's embarrassing.

My relationship with the whole team developed really well, actually. We all get along really well and work together as a team. Kelley and I have developed a group of friends that all hangs out together in free time, a group that Kelley nicknamed "the crew". It's me, Kelley, Kling, HAO, Cheney, Kriegs, Ash, and A-Rod.

And Tobin.

She's the only one I haven't gotten close to. Ever since our moment in Kelley and I's room, every time me and Tobin are alone, she can't get past small talk. When we're with the team, we can have conversations about what everyone else is talking about, but as soon as we were alone, she'd become a deer in headlights.

Currently, Kelley and I are walking back from dinner, debating on what we should do for the rest of the night.

"I say we have a Disney marathon, and stay up really late. We don't have practice until 12 tomorrow."

"Kels, we're not going to be able to have much of a marathon. It's already 9. We can probably only watch a few movies."

"Well, that's my choice. We can even have the crew over." I roll my eyes. Kelley always finds an excuse to use her lingo.

"Sounds good. You text them, and I'll pick out the movies." Kelley pumps her fist in victory, then runs ahead to the room. When I get there, the door is wide open, and Kelley is laying on her bed with her phone as close to her face as possible. I walk over and push her face into the screen, laughing when she yells "ow!" And then walking over to the movies. Mostly Disney.

"Chen, A-Rod, and Tobin are the only ones coming. Ali and Ash are going to bed early, Kling's meeting some friends, and HAO sleep texted me 'go away'."

"Cool." I stand up and toss Robin Hood, WALL-E, and The Little Mermaid on the bed, flopping down next to them after and groaning into the sheets.


I groan in response.

"Can Hope... Can she come watch with us?"

I raise my head and smirk. "I thought you'd never ask. Your little crush is out of control. I was just about to invite her over myself just to torture you." Kelley throws a pillow at me, and it hits me in the head.

"I do not have a crush on her!" She pouts and crosses her arms, knitting her eyebrows together and shaking her head. I laugh and roll my eyes.

"Kel, it's so obvious. You're always running to open doors for her and picking up things when she drops them, getting her water for her. It's like a sore thumb." Kelley frowns and sighs, giving me a "really?" look. I nod.

"I'll text her." She unlocks her phone and I glance at her screen. When I notice that Hope's name has a heart by it, I burst out laughing. Kelley glares at me and mumbles something about Hope being able to come. I smile and go to say something when someone knocks on the door.

"Open up! Or I'll blow this door down! With my foot!" A-Rod yells. I hear Cheney scold her. Standing up, I walk over to the door and open it. A-Rod and Cheney are deep in argument, and Tobin's in the back, glued to the ground.

"Hey guys. Come on in. Kelley's about to put in Robin Hood." Cheney and A-Rod walk in, but Tobin stays behind, clearing her throat and looking up. I lose my breath. Her brown eyes still get to me.

"Hey...um." She takes a deep breath. "Can we go back to my room and talk?" She glances down at her shoes and then back at me. I nod.

"Me and Tobin are gonna go get something from her room." I call back. Kelley doesn't like when I disappear. One time, I went to the bathroom while we were out, and she thought I had been kidnapped. When I returned, she tackled me with a hug and clung to me for the rest of the night.

"Tobin and I." I roll my eyes and close the door, turning back to Tobin and giving her a smile. She just nods.

We walk down the hallway and I hug myself gently, sneaking glances at Tobin every so often. She just stares at the ground. When we finally reach her room, Tobin unlocks it, walks in, and sets her key on the desk. I follow, closing the door behind me.

"Please. Sit." Tobin says with a soft chuckle, gesturing towards the bed. I sit, looking up at her with a raised and expectant eyebrow. She takes a deep breath, does to say something, but then just lets out the breath. She tries again, but I cut in.

"Why have you been avoiding me?"

This catches her off guard. Her shoulders sag a bit, and she runs her hand over her face. "Samira...."

"No, Tobin. Tell me. I really like talking to you and hanging out with you. But every time we're alone, you find some excuse to leave or not talk, and I feel like I've done something wrong."

"You haven't done anything wrong. I just... I." She sighs. Aggravated, I stand up.

"Why am I even here? Did you bring me here to just sigh a lot and say nothing? Because you've accomplished that. Now if you need me, and you're actually gonna talk, I'll be in my room." And with that, I storm out of the room, running my fingers through my hair roughly as I walk as fast as I can back to my room. When I get there, everyone's laying down, watching the movie. I decide I need some fresh air. I grab my warm up jacket, key, and phone, grumble a goodbye, and then leave, heading out of the hotel and onto the streets of New York.

"Do you think they found it?" Amy asks, and Cheney hits her in the arm. Hope sighs and readjusts her arm, which is around Kelley, who is asleep.

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