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Kendell's POV

"Wow, that was a good movie...but Jake to be honest the original was way better".

"Yes I agree with you".

"But that you so much for doing all this, honestly Jake you did not need to go through all this for me". I didn't understand why he's doing all this for me I'm just Ken his best friend since birth. He didn't need to buy out a whole theater for me, he should have been doing this for Sasha. Oh I forgot to mention Sasha was his girlfriend. Who by which absolutely HATES me. I assume she thinks me and Jake have a thing which we don't.

"Ken, your my best friend in the whole wide universe, and I love you to the moon and back. But your right you don't deserve that".

"Yeah! I don't at least you can ad...." he cut her off "You deserve much, much more" he told me.

"Whatever, lets get home shall we it's past your curfew and your getting delusional" I said laughing.

He pulled in his garage and we got out. I was having a good time and I didn't want to be alone knowing my brother was not home and my parents were still at work. "Hey Jake you wanna stay over and we can hang out and watch more movies"? "Sure let me just go home and change real quick".

30 minutes later

"Took you long enough, I was about to send out the search dogs" I told him as he walked through the front door. "Oh hush up" he replied.

We headed to my room and threw ourselves on the bed. We decided to watch A Nightmare on Elm street. Well basically the movie watched us cause the whole time we just talked and joked around. Jake seemed a little different since he came though. A little tense, I don't really pay no mind I just figured he was tired.

"Jake, it's 2:00 in the morning I'm calling it a night". I said/yawned.

"Yeah me too! night Ken" he said while he placed a kiss on my forehead and rolled over. Soon after that is a blur as sleep took over.


The Next Afternoon

I woke up at 1:00 in the afternoon. I felt around the bed for Jake to notice he was gone. "Jake your here"? I questioned as I rubbed my eyes. I heard nothing. He probably just went to the bathroom or was downstairs with Kyle. I got up and went to the bathroom and brushed my hair. I returned in my room and found a note on my side table. I walked up and grabbed it. It had my name Kendell written in Jake's handwriting and it read:

Hey Kendell I know your probably just waking up and wondering where I am. I just wanted to let you know that last night was one of the best nights of my life. One of the best movie Monday that we have ever had. One of the best days that I have had with you and I'm glad i can cherish this memory with me forever. You're probably wondering why I'm writing you this letter. Well for one what I am about to tell you I can not say to your face. I can't look you in the face and tell you that we can no longer be friends. It pains me to say this but Kendell this is goodbye, and if your wondering if im leaving I'm not. I can just longer be friends with you.

Love You To The Moon and Back


I can't keep the tears from pouring out my eyes onto the paper. What the hell did I do. I can't believe I lost the only person who knew me better than me. The only person I trust the most. The person who's I'm going to be spending three months in Malibu with. I just sat on my floor and cried. This is the first time that I literally cried myself to sleep.

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