Chapter 10 - Just Talking Seduction

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Zac jumps up abruptly and I can see he he's trying to compose himself. I realise why he's upset. He hasn't met Tyler, so he doesn't know I'm trying to tell people I love them. So he thinks I don't love him.

"Oh shit." I mutter as Zac walks out of my house and slams the door. I sit and play with my fingers while Blair looks at me, surprise written all over. I want to run after Zac but I know him better then to approach him while he's upset, he needs to meet Tyler. I need to explain everything to him and in order to do that; I'm going to have to do something Zac won't like. I have to spend more time with Tyler to earn his trust, and he needs to earn mine.

I look at Blair for the first time, "I'm sorry." She whispers and I shake my head.

I try to smile. "It's okay; I need to tell him about Tyler." Blair nods and an unsettling feeling settles in my stomach, this is going to be messy. I reach for my phone and message Tyler.

Me: we need to talk

I tap my phone impatiently and wait for his reply a few minutes later.

Tyler: Is it THE talk?

I groan,

Me: NO, just where do you want to meet?

Tyler: Fine, meet me at the park

I try not to smile and stay angry at him.

Blair looks at me. "I'm sorry I have to go." She nods and I walk out the door quickly, leaving her in my house. I see something flicker in her eyes before I leave but it's only there for a moment so I don't know what it is. I drive to the nearby park, already knowing which one Tyler was talking about. I worry about Zac, but he needs to know. I pretty much jump out of my car and start walking around the park.

Me: I'm here, where are you?

I don't get a reply and I go and hang out by the bathrooms so I can rest for a while, I know this will be uncomfortable, but I think that if Zac was going to be in my life he should know about all of it. I just need Tyler to agree to it and I can live guilt free. I groan and start circling the building, I was still super pissed that Tyler was with that girl and that dream... it just reminds me of what he's capable of and I hate feeling so weak. I can handle myself fine, but when the person haunts your dreams, it's another story.

I stop near a corner and take it in, all the happy families. Why have I never had that? The closest I had were my friends, and I left them. I'm a selfish person; I just need to remind myself more. Hands wrap around my mouth in a frenzy of limbs and lead me into the guy's bathroom. I try to scream and bite the hand instead. The hands let me go and I can hear them groan in pain.

"What the fuck Tess?" Tyler's voice sounds clear behind me, I whip around to him.

"What? You pretty much just kidnapped me! And why are we in here?" My voice goes quiet. "This is the guy's bathroom." I observe.

Tyler smirks through his pain. "I knew you'd make a scene and besides," He points to the door, "I put a tie on the door handle," My anger flares.

"Great, now people think I'm having sex with you. That's so tacky!" I glare at him. I stop for a minute, I need to get my emotions under control, these mood swings are doing a number on me.

"Tess," He moves his arms towards me and I move away, putting my hand between me and him, "I know what I did was wrong." I scoff, "But... I told you what you there's a lot going on, I probably should've told you to stay away more clearly." He wipes the back of his neck, looking at the floor. Doubt fills me before my determination sets in again.

"I know." I sigh, "But that gives you no right to treat someone like that," I lean against the wall, "You need to stop Tyler. I don't know why this is a big deal for me but it is." I whisper.

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