Chapter 15 - Freak Out and Let Go

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"You okay?" I nod to Zac. He's being really protective, his hands are around my waist and holding my hands so I can walk. My first steps out of the wheel chair and away from the hospital. One, two, I stumble, Zac catches me, Three. And just like that I'm in my house and out of the wheel chair.

I smile at my achievement, Zac hold my waist and kisses my cheek. We stand in the door way just being still.

"Ahem," My mum clears her throat behind us and we immediately spring apart. "Sorry to interrupt but we need to get inside." I smile at my mum, a fake smile but appreciative from her end.

"I thought you had to take the chair back?" I whisper, my voice would eco in this house.

"Yes but I just thought it would be better if you got settled..." My mum trails off, looking between me and Zac. "Fine," She sighs. "No funny business from either of you." She points to both of us and narrows her eyes. "Or you'll both be out." I wave goodbye and watch mum leave.

"Okay," I sigh as I try to take another step. Zac is quickly by my side, watching my every move. Waiting for me to show signs of falling.

It's hard learning to walk when you've been on drugs for days. So even though it gets annoying that Zac follows me around sometimes, I never was one of those people that get annoyed easily and I'm thankful that he looks out for me.

I jump on the couch ignoring the hiccup my lungs have. I miss being childish, that was my thing. So now I'm out of medical prison I will live it up. Zac wraps his arm around me and turns on the TV. "So what do you want to watch?" He looks at me as he asks.

"Hmm a movie, but," I look around, no blankets on the couch, "Where's Chanel and Zoe? Don't you think we should look for them?" Zac shrugs,

"Do you think you're breathing will cope?" I nod and stand up; this anxiety is really getting to me. I don't have an eating disorder only because I ate in the hospital. But not being able to breathe properly is annoying.

I walk up stairs fully aware that Zac is following me. While I knock on Chanel's door I take a deep breath. I can hear the door unlock before opening and revealing Chanel at the door and Zoe sitting on the bed crying.

"What's wrong?" I try to remain calm, Zac stands beside me.

"I'm going home, I'll see you later okay?" Zac makes his hasty retreat and I smile after him before walking into the room next to Zoe.

"What's wrong?" I repeat. Zoe looks at me, clearly suffering.

"It's Nate, he's gone." She settles in a fit of tears. Nate, that bastard from years ago.

"What do you mean he's gone?" Zoe looks at the floor while Chanel stands by the wall uncomfortably.

"He fucking broke up with me." I try to keep the smile off my face by her choice of words.

"Calm down," Zoe gives me a small smile, "Do you know why?" She shakes her head.

"Maybe for someone else, I really don't know." She's stopped crying now, she just looks angry.

"Well, there's no surprise there." I murmur.

"What?" Zoe asks.

"Nothing." We sit in silence for a while after that. I think about how much of an ass hole Nate was to me and how much I hated him. I can understand her reaction; it's a long time they've been together... "Why don't we have a party tonight? I'll bring Tyler and Zac and I can get Jack down here for Chanel." My words linger in the air for a little while until Zoe sniffles.

"I'd be like a third wheel." I laugh at Zoe's small voice.

"And where would Jack go?" Chanel finally speaks up.

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