Another Fight

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The two meisters continued walking around a cool breeze came at them " aren't you cold kid? " maka said shivering a bit " no not really why are you maka? " kid said " yes I am " maka said she grabbed kid's arm and brought it closer to her trying to warm herself up kid took off his black jacket " here take this it'll keep you warm " kid said handing her his jacket " thank you kid " maka said putting on kid's jacket " is that better maka? " kid said hoping his jacket was warm enough " yes kid I'm very warm and comfortable with it " maka said she grabbed kid's arm again holding it closer to her " but I feel more comfortable like this...does it bother you kid? " maka said " no it doesn't bother me maka I actually feel good about it " kid said giving a light blush the two walked around a little longer until it started to get dark out " I think we should go now kid " maka said letting go of kid's arm " alright let's go " kid said the two walked to maka's apartment

" hey soul we are going to have dinner with kid today " maka said closing the door behind her " nice place you got here maka everything looks symmetrical " kid said looking around inside " haha thanks kid " maka said giggling soul came out walking downstairs " we are having dinner with who? " soul said looking around " with kid I'll be in the kitchen making dinner " maka said walking to the kitchen soul looked around until he found kid sitting on the couch kid looked at soul " hello soul how's your day going ? " kid said in a calm voice " well it was going good " soul said looking at him he then sat at the opposite couch facing him " why are you here kid? " soul said looking at him suspiciously " I'm here because maka invited me " kid said calmly " hmm what are you going to do with maka tonight?" soul said crossing his arm's " nothing why do you ask? " kid said looking at him suspiciously " I saw what happened... " soul said a little bit angry " what are you talking about soul? " kid said crossing his arm's " on that day maka stayed at your mansion " soul said looking down on the floor kid looked at him " you kissed maka....and she didn't push you away...instead she pulled you in!! " soul said trying to calm himself " I saw you kiss maka in class " kid said calmly " hehe if so why didn't you do anything? " soul said with an evil smile " because we were in class and if you saw me and maka kissing why didn't you do anything? " kid said calmly soul sat there in silence he then spoke " that's enough I'm going to shut that mouth of yours I'm not going to let you take maka away from me " soul said standing up " if you want to fight then let's settle this but not in here " kid said standing up crossing his arm's " no right here right now " soul said maka walked in just on time " hey guys dinner is ready " maka said

The three went to the table and sat on their chairs eating their food " I never tasted anything like this maka this is the best thing I ate " kid said he wiped his mouth with a napkin " thanks kid I like it when people appreciate my cooking " maka said smiling soul eyed kid making sure he wasn't going to do anything " so kid how are liz and patty " soul said he took a sip of water from his cup " They're doing good but maybe when I go back home I'll find the place a mess again " kid said " haha maybe,maybe not " maka said giggling

" where is kid? He should've been here long ago " patty said worried " oh don't worry about a thing I'm sure he's with maka " liz said as she painted her nails " with maka? You mean his girlfriend? " patty said confused " I guess you can put it that way since it seems like they are going out " liz said continuing to paint her nails " haha well I'll tell kid if it's true when he comes back " patty said laughing " that's if he comes back who knows what's going on with the two of them he'll probably stay with her for the entire night " liz said " eww doing what haha " patty said laughing but a bit grossed out " I don't know patty and I don't want to know " liz said

Everyone finished eating and they put their plates at the sink " I think it's time for you to leave kid it's really late now " soul said looking at kid " yes it's time well goodbye maka I enjoyed spending time with you today " kid said putting his hand on her shoulder " well it is really late maybe you should stay here for the night kid " maka said hoping he would stay with her " thank you maka your a good frie-" kid was cut off " Why!! Why!! Does kid have to stay here!!" Soul said angry " soul don't be rude he's our guests " maka said looking at soul with anger " well I'm tired of our guest always being around with you " soul said he then grabbed kid by his collar he threw his fist at him but kid grabbed soul's fist and threw a punch across soul's face sending him flying across the room soul stood back up and charged at kid punching him on his chest kid punched his stomach maka then stepped in " stop fighting please! Soul I don't know what's wrong with you but stop and kid please you are better than this " Maka said standing between them " I'm sorry maka I'll be leaving now have a goodnight and please stay safe " kid said leaving maka's apartment " Finally he's gone " soul said " seriously soul what's wrong with you! What do you have against him " maka said crossing her arm's " ahh what could you understand you don't understand anything maka i swear " soul said walking to his room angry " fine be like that " maka said shouting she went to her room " I thought he changed " maka thought to herself as tears began to fall from her eye's

A/N: Hopefully this was good and interesting thanks for reading

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