another day

628 19 3

" Blair what are you doing!!! " soul said panicking " oh come on soul...maka isn't here we can have a little fun just between us " Blair said in a seductive voice " I'm taking a shower!!! Blair you can take a shower next!! " soul said trying to reach for a towel " but we can take a shower together we'll be killing two birds with one stone " Blair said dropping her towel fully exposing her body " ahhh Blair!! " soul said soon collapsing in the bathtub with a nosebleed a knock was heard from downstairs " I'll go get it soul...don't go anywhere " Blair said grabbing her towel and wrapping it around her body she went downstairs and opened the door to her surprise it was black star and tsubaki " hey Blair is maka or soul here? " tsubaki said smiling " oh where have you guy's been it's been ages " Blair said she looked over at black star " I'm sure you are tired let's take a bath together sometime " Blair said in a seductive voice " honestly Blair there's times where I feel like punching you " tsubaki thought to herself annoyed by Blair but she managed to keep herself under control " so where are the losers at? " black star said hoping he could tell soul about his adventure " oh soul well he's not here right now " Blair said lying to them " what about maka? Is she here at least? " tsubaki said " hmm I'm not sure if I should tell them where she actually is...hmm oh well what ever " Blair thought to herself " well she's at kid's mansion helping him with his test " Blair said suddenly her towel fell down black star collapsed with a nosebleed " well thanks Blair I'll be going now " tsubaki said dragging black star with her Blair grabbed her towel and closed the door she walked back to the bathroom " soul are you still here? " Blair said looking around

Maka pulled herself back from kid " I'm sorry kid...let's get on with the test... " maka said blushing the two sat down and went back to kid's test it took a while for kid to make the k in his name symmetrical over time they finished " thank you maka...I couldn't have done it without you " kid said standing up from his chair " any time kid just please...don't call yourself anything bad " maka said hugging him tight kid kissed her forehead " maybe right now I can tell her " kid thought to himself " I totally forgot about soul sorry kid I have to go " maka said she left kid's room with kid escorting her to the door as he opened the door black star and tsubaki were there " hey loser it's been a while!! " black star said raising his fist in the air kid,maka,and tsubaki let out a sigh " hey black star what do you need? " kid said crossing his arm's " sorry kid I have to go now I'll see you around " maka said leaving the group " oh nothing at all kid I just came by to check if there was any losers here " black star said laughing " well there's one in front of me " kid said in calm voice " now now please let's not get into another fight " tsubaki said trying to calm black star whom seemed to be mad at kid " you are the loser here not me!!! I'm going to transcend God I will not tolerate this!!! " black star said he placed himself in a fighting position " very well let's see what you can do now " kid said stepping outside and closing the door behind him the two were looking in each other in the eye's waiting for the other one to make a move tsubaki got in front of black star " please kid don't fight I'm sure you are better than this " tsubaki said her word's had an impact on kid " it's like the time when soul and I fought...maka said I was better than that " kid thought to himself he then made his decision " fine I'll let you off with a warning " kid said crossing his arm's " with a warning!!! I'm supposed to say that to you!!! " black star said pointing at him kid ignored him " thank you kid and I'm sorry let's go black star " tsubaki said " yea yea I know " black star said eyeing kid for a moment then leaving him kid let out a sigh " I thought he was never going to leave " kid said going back inside his mansion

" tsubaki what was that for!!" Black star said angry " well I didn't want anyone to get hurt last time...I'm sorry " tsubaki said looking down as they walked " why was maka at kid's house anyways? " black star said curiously " I'm not sure...maybe they were helping each other out on something " tsubaki said curiously " ehh we'll see tomorrow then we'll just let someone fill us in " black star said

" where are you soul? " Blair said as she looked inside the bathtub " thanks to whoever knocked on the door I managed to escape Blair...I wonder where maka is at I just realized she isn't here...if she was I'm sure she would of punched or slap me " soul thought to himself locking himself in his room " oh soul are you in here " Blair said knocking on his door " go away I already finished taking a shower! " soul said trying to hold the door since Blair is trying to bust in his room " I'm home soul!!" Maka said closing the door " finally she can help me escape Blair or at least calm her down " soul thought to himself " well I'm going to leave you now soul " Blair said lying to him soul opened his door to see that Blair was still there accept that she didn't have her towel on " ahhh Blair!! " soul said soon collapsing with a nosebleed maka soon came and saw Blair without a towel she looked down at soul whom seemed unconscious with his nosebleed " do I really need to come home every day and find this " maka thought to herself as she let out a sigh

A/N: Sorry for the lack of updates school started for me and I've already been getting a lot of homework

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