» form

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*don't forget the rules :)
*be realistic please
*i'll comment the form so it makes life easier xD
*i may have forgotten to mention this, but its not first come first serve

-full name: preferably korean, but you may also add an english name if you're part american or canadian, etc.
-nickname(s): state who calls you that and why. bullet form.
-age: make it related to your birthdate please.
-nationality: what you're registered as.
-ethnicity: preferably at least half korean or full korean. be realistic please. no part filipino, japanese, british or something like that.
-languages: maximum is 4, and please state fluency. be realistic.

-portrayer: if you'd like, state a specific era you want your character to look like.
-height: in cm. not too tall or short.
-weight: in kg. not too light or heavy.

-background: mention your family members, their occupation, and a little bit about your childhood, like what type of family you had or grew up with. not too long. 1 paragraph.
-personality: include positive and negative traits. be unique and creative.
-trivias: include facts about your character, like fears, likes, dislikes, etc.
-habits and hobbies:
-talent: is your singing better than your dancing? or are you terrible at singing? etc. rap isn't included. or do you act?
-hidden talents/specialties: any hidden talents or things she's really good at? like is she able to cook or sing trot or opera, etc.
-talent twins:
~singing twin: if your character isnt that good at singing, choose someone that isnt that good at singing.
~dancing twin: if your character isnt that good at dancing, choose someone that isnt that good at dancing.
~acting twin: optional. only if your character is able to act.
-audition: did your character sing or dance for the audition? if she sang, state what song. if she danced, state what song and what type of dancing she did [like the genre(?)].

-love interest: optional.
-backup love interest: in case your love interest is taken.
-his personality: explain briefly. 1 short paragraph or a few adjectives.
-how you met:
-your relationship with him: are you guys friends, strangers, etc. describe your relationship briefly.
-love rival: optional. can be a guy or girl
-his/her personality: a few adjectives.
-his/her relationship with your love interest: are they best friends, friends, etc. describe their relationship briefly.
-any friends/enemies?: optional. maximum of 2 each because it's going to be a bit hard to manage if there's too much. i dont guarantee that they'll keep appearing though- and please briefly explain your relationship with them.

-any scene requests?: doesnt necessarily have to be with your love interest.
-others?: like any extra information on anything? like your character, or your love interest? etc.

-short message to author:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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