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Names Amy, know will you please get your hand of my jumpsuit

The girl smirked and then she removed her hand away.  Are you sure your name is Amy.

Of course I'm sure..think I'm an idiot who doesn't now my name.

Hahahaha I didn't call you an idiot and your lieing your name isn't Amy it's cadcore.

Excuse me. Amy shot the girl a very angry face.

Look on your jumpsuit.

Amy looked on her jumpsuit and a glowing light that said CADCORE.

Uh so. Said Amy

Well that's your name.

Whateve said Amy....anyway uh do you know an old lady name Mrs.Katy she's my grandmother.

Yes but she's legend she doesn't live here anymore she used to be our queen but she left a long time ago because king Dishie came to her kingdom and toke over. Now he rules us.

. Say what said Amy.

The girl rolled her eyes at Amy then she disappeared with the other two boys.

Amy stood there confused and all alone. Hmmm weird said Amy.

Then she started walking around trying to find home. She soon came upon a big huge city witch looked completely different then the city she lived at home.

She slide of the mountain and landed in a truck. Ew Amy gave yucky disgust

She jumped out then walked over to a huge wall witch had no doors to enter.

Are you kidding me. Amy looked at the wall then she walked around it to find a door. Soon she came up to a large huge metal door with two guard's holding spires. Amy slowly walked up to the door and knocked. The two guard's notice then they grabbed her arms and threw her down.  HEY WHAT WAS THAT FOR!! She got up and looked at the guard's.

The two laughed then they grabbed her again and carried her into the huge big metal city.

Hey let me go you idiots. She kicked and kicked and struggled to get away.

While Amy was struggling to get free she heard another large door open then the two men threw her down.

She quickly got up. When she stood up she saw a big metal throne with a man starring at her laughing.

The man got of the throne and walked over to Amy. She looked closely at him and he had half robot face and half human face so was his body. One of his hand was  a huge gun and the other had claws.

He walked around her looking at her. Amy starred at him,

Hahahaha so the powerful kalatada sends her daughter to defeat me hahaha how wonderful.

He touched Amy's chin and then he laughed again.

Amy looked at him all confused.  Dude who are you she said.

Hahahaha weakling. He said

Amy frowned. Who you calling weakling, look at yourself your freakishly ugly. She smirked.

He stopped laughing then runned to her and grabbed her arm and. Threw her down hard on the ground slamming her face hard.

Amy's nose started bleeding and her head was bleeding a bit too.

She tried to get up but she fell back down her head was killing her.

The man walked over to her again and shocked Amy. With his robot electric hand. She screamed with pain.

Hahahaha they sent me a weakling how pathetic. He laughed more.

Suddenly Amy got and her body froze her mouth started moving. Then her eyes turned dark blue.


Amy's body stopped then Cadcore took over.  she grabbed the man and threw him through the window. Then she flew out and grabbed him. She landed on the metal rode. And picked him up again threw him down. She lightning speed kicked him and then she added a punch.

He quickly used his robot hand and threw her of him.

Then he grabbed a huge rock and threw it at her. But she caught it and blew it up with a punch. Then she flew very fast to him and grabbed him and punched him. Then she laser beemed his robot hand.

The people were all watching and some were freaking out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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