Chapter 65

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In an instant I found myself in a sea of energy, the whole shield flickered through the air in the shades of a rainbow, looking oddly beautiful.
Meanwhile the dark energy was rushing closer at a terrifying pace as there was no barrier between them and us now.

And all I could think was that we would never be able to survive this.
The simpler solution would have been to send everyone away that could walk so at least some of us would survive but I just couldn't.

I knew the fear. I had experienced the terror myself of laying helplessly in a sea of the ghostly and it was still haunting me.

My mind frantically searched our options but there was non but fight to our deaths.
The witches were exhausted and drained, I could see it in their pale terror-stricken faces as they watched the barrier trickle down the sky.

The amount of ghostly that was streaming from the Sea was so large and overbearing it covered the whole shore up onto the very edges of the coven but it was quickly taking over more and more land.
I watched as the first essences flickered, before being extinguished.

Soon enough the black was drowning out all other colors and I was still left in a state of panic.

"Are we going to fight?" I asked Ronan breathlessly. He was standing next to me and I could see that he was slowly coming to terms with this as well.

He didn't answer but I knew that this was our only option.
"It's not your fault" I told him, laying my cold and wet hand on his cheek. I didn't care who would see us but I couldn't bare the thought that he would put the blame on himself right until the end of his life.

I just couldn't.

But suddenly his eyes shone brightly, purple flames reigning.
"It's not lost, Rora" he told me savagely in a deep roaring voice and immediately I understood.
My heart took a leap. This was why I loved him. Even though the situation seemed hopeless he wasn't giving up because he was the most kindhearted loyal and fearless person to ever ask this world.

"I love you" I told him before getting up onto my toes to press a soft kiss on his lips.
Immediately warmth exploded in my stomach, and I couldn't bottle my emotions up anymore.
A lone tear rolled down my cheek because I was scared that this would be the last time.
I savored every moment of it, taking in his taste and determination.
His lips moved against mine hungrily but too quickly I sank back down on my feet.

"Don't say that as if you're saying goodbye" he demanded angrily.
"Never" I promised him.

He nodded to me with a bittersweet smile which I returned.
I knew that this was the part where we had to part ways, even if it was just for a small moment.

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