Chapter 1

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Heyy guys!! First chapter, hoping this turns out great! To know what Lucy look like, her picture is above. Please give this a try and enjoy it. There might be grammer mistakes and will be some language, please comment for any thoughts. Also please follow if you're thinking this is pretty okay so far. Thank you!


Lucy POV:

Have I ever experienced any terrifying events? Why, yes I did. Would I want to go back to the past and change it? The answer is simple, I would if I even know what the hell happened to me.

Waking up alone one night in the middle of nowhere, the only thought I had in my mind is my name.

Lucy..... you are Lucy, when fate finds you, answers will show....

As fast as that came, it went away. Blinking my eyes, I adjusted to the darkness.

     Who the hell is fate or what the fuck is that....  I shook my head. This is some stupid fucked up joke...

You may be wondering what terrifying event I was talking about, well it was horrifying. As you know, I woke up alone and my name is Lucy. Well to add more to that, I had woken up in the middle of nowhere, barely seeing any sort of living evidence.

Also there is a feeling of emptiness in me. I try to recall what had happened but in my mind everything was blank, but for some reason I'm not freaked out by it. I was calm, yet my mind screamed for blood. Now that was strange. Adding to that, I have no memories of anything whatsoever.

It all came to me in a second, I'm a vampire.

      Duh Lucy! That must be the only logical reason right now. Wait, what the hell am I talking about. This may seem like a guess, though I know for sure I'm correct. My mind just told me, yeah my freaking mind, considering it told me some fate bullshit. Well that is just great, I had thought. I'm not human.

My thirst for blood is strong, but in my sight there isn't even an animal or a human. How sad is that? Very.

Walking aimlessly trying to find some little civilization, the sun is about to rise. I guess there is a time to test out if vampire do burn in the sun.

Yet I'm confident that nothing will happen to me. Maybe I won't burn up.

Continuing my walk to the unknown ahead, the sun had finally fully shine. I guess we vamps don't turn to ash. Hah I just admit I'm a vamp, this is so stupid.

Saying it's hot is an understatement, this scorching heat can even compare to my knowing thirst. As mentioning that, my throat clenched and I became dizzy.

Who knows how far I still have to go. I need to survive this for all I know this fucked up memory lost is due to "fate". Hell if I find out the person responsible for this, they won't even see hell.

Trudging my way foward, I became more aware of the environment. It appeared to seem like a desert of some sort. Sand was mostly everywhere, yet it doesn't surround me, seeing that there appeared a road for me to walked in.

Seeming like it was hours, but I wasn't exhausted. Guessing this is a great thing to be a vampire. Then like a tons of brick hit me at once, I had the most craziest thought.

Why was I walking, when I can run, surely I have super speed. I mentally slap myself.

Starting up my run I was filled with a hint of excitement. So I just run... Is there any other way? Probably not.

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