Developing the Plan

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*Sirius' P.O.V*

"So, we don't tell Peter where we are, invite the Longbottom's here and continue living in fear of You-Know-Who?" I asked.
"Well, who else an kill him except for Harry or Neville?" Ellie asked, irritated.
"Dumbledore!" Ron yelled.
"No, he wasn't born as the seventh month dies." Hermione said.
"Why doesn't future Harry do it? If he already did it once, can't he do it again?" Moony questioned.
"No! That'd be-" Lily started to say.
"Awesome!" Padfoot yelled.
Lily, Ginny, Hermione, Ellie and Moony glared at him.
"Maybe not awesome..."
"That's actually a good idea. Dangerous, but good." Ellie said, the idea hitting her.
"But, what if he dies? Then the future is screwed. Badly." Ginny points out.
"Screwed doesn't even begin to describe it." The blonde ferret stated.
"Do I get a say in this?" Harry asked.
We all nodded.
"Because, I think we should try it. It's worth a try." He said.
At the moment Lily burst into tears
"My son, he's so brave." She sobbed into Prong's shoulder."
"Lils, your sounding like Petunia." Prongs said.
That shut her up quickly.
We continued to talk then there was a knock at the door.
"Lily, James? Remus, Sirius?" A voice asked from outdoors.
"Wormtail." All four of us said at once.

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