Chapter Twenty_nine

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(three weeks later)
Sabrina 's pov
    For the past three weeks, I haven't spoken to Bradley and it's that time of the month and I haven't seen  it, I don't know what to do and the last person I want to speak with is my mom. I need to call Paris.

"hey Paris. " I said nervously over the phone.

" what's up, Sab. "

" can you come over please? "I pleaded.

" OK, I'll be right there. "she said.

" thanks. "I said as I hanged up.

I do think am pregnant, wait. That night I and Bradley had... No... Let me call him.

" hello. "he said rudely over the phone. Actually I don't have time for him.

" Bradley, remember that night we... Did you use protection. "I said.

" no I thought you would take birth control pills. " And he just ruined my life.

" why did you ask? "keep it cool

" BRADLEY!! "I screamed then hanged up. Maybe I do have anger problem.

Then there was a knock,it must be Paris." Come in. "I said as she came in.

I rushed to hug her." OK, Sabrina what's  wrong? " She said as we broke the hug.

" I don't know but I haven't seen... "

" no way, have you phoned Bradley? "

" I did and asked him if we used protection that cause I was dizzy, unfortunately we didn't. "

" maybe  you're anxious because of something. "

" anxious of being pregnant. "

" no one said anything about being pregnant, good thing I have a pregnancy test. "this girl is wierder than I thought.

" why would you be carrying pregnancy test in your pause. "I asked.

" well, I knew when you called, that was the voice of "I can't be pregnant"  so I rushed to the pharmacy and bought you one and you owe me ten bucks. "

" thanks,"I hurried to the bathroom and I did it five minutes later , it turned red. Gosh, am pregnant.

I came out. "So?" she saw the expression on my face.
"Am pregnant. "I said trying to hold it.

" am pregnant. "then a knock came in.

" girls, I'll be going out. " my mom said.

" I do think you need to tell your mom. "Paris whispers to my ears.

" mom, come in! "I said.

"OK." she came in.

"mom, I need to tell you something, am pregnant. "I blurt out

" what? "she said.

" am sorry, mom. "I said.

" wait, your pregnant with whose baby? "she asked.

" Bradley 's. "I said.

" woah. "She said.

" well, am going to be grandmother, and does Bradley knows. " she said.

" no we fought three weeks ago, I can't tell him. "

" wait, you fought three weeks ago and you couldn't tell your friends, woah. "Paris said.

" reconcile with him and plan on how to take care of your baby because that child would not grow without a father. "she said sternly as she leaves

" congrats, "Paris said.

" thanks, A little Brabrina is in here. "

" few minutes ago, you were almost in tears and now you are very happy, so what about Bradley? "

" what about Bradley? "I asked.

" when are you going to tell him? "

" I don't know I might take the news well but I don't think he might take the news well. "

" take the phone and call it's father. " she said as she gave me my phone.

"fine." I said as I dialed his  number.

"hey, Bradley."

"Sabrina, am on my way to your house, Something is wrong. " he hanged up.

" do you think I can't control my voice expression when am depress or mad. "I asked.

" so am not the only one that noticed. "

" Sabrina, where are you?! "Bradley yelled all the way from downstairs.

" I think it's time. "Paris said pushing me out the door.

Bradley's pov
   When Sabrina called me and asked me questions about that night,I felt something was wrong somewhere.

" Bradley. "Sabrina said as she headed down. She's more beautiful now than three weeks ago and I feel I have goosebumps when I saw her.

" Sabrina. "And now my life's complete.

" Bradley, I need to tell you something. "She said as she sat on the couch.

" yeah. "I sat on the couch.

" Am pregnant. " Am dumbfounded.
HELLO, and welcome, please follow my cousin @lil_minaj17, apparently she doesn't have any followers, this book 's ending soon.  Can't wait to tick it complete.

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