The Terrors of Loneliness - Chapter 10

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It had been such a long time since he’d talked to someone properly it seemed a little unreal having Hannah confide in him.  Lucas was enjoying getting to know her a little better, although some of it was heartbreaking to hear.  She poured her heart out to him and he listened enviously as she described her relationship with her parents and how the house used to be filled with music, laughter and wonderful food.  He’d been distant from his family for such a long time he couldn’t imagine sharing laughter with them, or anything else.  Their son had been lost in a Russian prison cell and since returning he’d struggled to rebuild the shattered remains of their relationship.   They’d been told what he did for a living when all hope for his safe return was thought to be lost, and his father, the minister, had never been able to reconcile himself with the fact that Lucas had killed people in the line of duty.

Hannah told him in detail about the day of the accident.  They’d all been out for a meal together to celebrate her mum’s birthday.  Her parents had dropped her off at her flat and had been driving home.  Travelling at 75 miles per hour on the dual carriageway they’d had a blow out.  The car had spun out of control and collided with a lorry.  Lucas held her tightly in his arms as she cried, soothing her sobs with gentle kisses, his heart breaking for her.  He made a silent promise to call his parents at the weekend.  It was time he tried building some bridges.

She talked about the loneliness and grief and the terror they brought her.  She hadn’t been able to bear the thought of selling the house after her parents died, and as there was no mortgage to pay off she’d moved in.  The move back to the family home had taken her away from the few friends she had.  Her grief had meant that after two years of struggling she found herself unable to continue in the job she used to love so much as PA to the director of a small but successful art gallery in central London.  She’d spent the next two years shut away from the world in this lovely house now devoid of all the things that had made it such a happy place.   She explained how it was only recently that she’d felt able to start looking for work again and told him about the job interview she’d missed while Selby had his gun to her head.  Lucas watched her flinch at the memory and he found himself stroking her temple where the gun had been pressed.  He wished he could erase that memory from her mind.  The fear of death at someone else’s hands was something you never forgot.  He’d once welcomed the thought of death…he couldn’t imagine that now.

She took Lucas on a tour of the house.  Taking his hand and leading him from room to room, pointing out pictures on the walls, sharing her memories, telling amusing stories from her childhood.  He tried suggesting they go out for a walk but she refused and although she made some excuse about being too tired, he knew she was scared to go out.  He could see that the Selby incident had pushed her backwards and that the terror of being alone in the house was now matched by the terror of what might happen if she ventured outside.  He wanted to promise to always be there but he knew he couldn’t.  He would have to go to work and she would have to face her fears alone.


Hannah found she was unburdening herself.  She wondered if he minded that she’d done nothing but talk for what felt like hours.  He didn’t look like he minded; his blue eyes full of concern and a frown creasing his forehead as if he could feel her pain.  His smiles, when they came felt like some wonderful reward as his eyes crinkled and sparkled, the corners of his mouth lifting up into a smile that seemed to light up the whole room.  She realised that she was constantly touching him, as if their bodies were drawn together by some invisible force. 

Inevitably the tour of the house led them upstairs and Hannah found her mind wandering as her eyes glimpsed the crumpled bed through the doorway of her room.  Images of his naked body moving above hers filled her mind and she looked up at him, wanting to tell him of the sudden desire she had to pull him into the room and down onto the bed.  As if reading her thoughts, Lucas bent his head to kiss her.  This wasn’t a gentle soothing kiss, this was a kiss filled with wanting and as she felt his tongue against her lips she surrendered to it, kissing him back, her tongue sliding against his.

His hands slid down her back and cupped her bottom, drawing her close against him and then lifting her up so she had to wrap her legs around his waist.  Kissing her hungrily, he carried her into the bedroom and sat down on the bed with her on his lap.  Desperate to feel his skin against hers she hurriedly took her t-shirt off and pulled his up over his head.  Pushing him backwards onto the bed, she slid her body against his, running her tongue over his heated skin and making him groan. 

She slid his boxers down his legs and sitting back up she looked down at this beautiful man underneath her.  His eyes were dark with desire and staring intensely at her.  She traced the Blake tattoo on his chest with the tip of her fingers and looking back at his face she saw the hint of a frown.  Sensing his discomfort she leant down and traced the tattoo again, but this time with her lips and tongue.  Her hands found Lucas’s and she entwined her fingers in his, feeling him arching his back against her mouth. 

She lowered her head and started to run her tongue over the words tattooed across his stomach.  She hadn’t got to the end of the word “Gnothi” when suddenly Lucas’s groans turned into a growl and he pulled her back up his body, his mouth meeting hers and kissing her hard as he found his way inside her. 


Lucas didn’t love his tattoos but they were a part of him now. He’d had moments in the bath where he’d rubbed them raw hoping that if he kept scrubbing they would somehow disappear.  The attention Hannah had shown them had both scared him and aroused him in equal measure.  To start with he was worried that maybe she was struggling to get past what they represented but as her mouth began to trace the outline of them, he’d realised she was trying to show him that she loved every inch of him.  He allowed himself to be taken over by the deliciousness of her tongue against his skin but as she moved lower he could stand it no longer.  He had to have her, and he felt an almost animal lust wash over him as he claimed her body with his. 

Their love-making was intense and passionate.  Moving together, they whispered words of love against each other’s mouths, lost in the delight of each other’s bodies.  As they tumbled over the edge together Lucas cried out her name, clasping her tightly against him as she told him she loved him, kissing his eyes, his nose, his cheeks…every inch of his face.   

A little while later, as they lay in each other’s arms in a state of post-coital bliss, Lucas allowed himself to consider what would happen the following day.  He would have to go to work, leaving Hannah alone.  He would have to go home to get clean clothes.  Maybe not tomorrow but at some point work would no doubt take him away from her for a few days.  How would she cope?  They’d only just met and he found himself already considering his future with her.  Maybe he could move into her house…as the thought entered his head he immediately pushed it away.  One step at a time he thought…there would be plenty of time for plans.  All that mattered was they needed each other.  He would find a way to help Hannah through her terror and maybe…just maybe…she could help him deal with his flashbacks and nightmares.

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