9 // gone girl

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She had been moved around. The weeks passed by and it was antagonizing just how slow they were. Davin had died the day after Lux was taken for her first blood transfusion. Clarke had shown up and took Anya with her; Lux had been moved to one of the cages on the larger wall for bad behavior.

The new recruits arrived and Lux couldn't bare to look at them, to watch how they slowly drained of life. The program was harsh, some only could go a couple times. Davin died on his sixth. They would give the bodies to the reapers. Lux thought she would be sick every time she watched someone she knew die.

It was the way of life; you were always taken aback at someone's will to survive, yet, you admired it. That was how it was for Lux, sitting in her cage all day everyday for weeks. Sometimes they would be fed; the hunger and dehydration didn't bother Lux, but the worry she felt for Bellamy, Lincoln, and Octavia bothered her. It was as if she was existing, not living.  

The crucial part of staying alive was being silent. Silent but deadly.

Anya, she assumed, had called Lexa to help with the hundred. Clarke was always raging about peace, maybe Lexa would give it to her. Lexa and Lux were closer than Anya and Lux. Lexa and Lux were the same age; Lexa had always been a good leader, putting her people's needs first.

Grounders started to pour in from the doors, all of them in the thin white gauze. Mountain Men held poles meant for animals to other people's necks. Lux didn't dare look, if she did, she would end up dead. She knew that she was going to be chosen to go next; to die next.

Low and behold, her cage door was opened by one of the older men. Lux knew not to fight back, but she wanted to. She wanted to shove his gun in his smug head and shoot his brains out; but she knew that if she did, she would die and her people would suffer.

Getting out of the small cage, Lux allowed the man to inject her with a sleeping medicine. He chained her upside down and left her to rot. One of the newest Grounders started to pound on his cage, but everyone ignored him. The pitying looks Lux received as she dozed off were enough to make her shut her eyes and rest.


He watched as she was hung upside down; the love of his life, the only woman he loved. Bellamy watched as Lux turned a pale, contradicting her normally tanned skin. Her blonde hair looked greasy and knotty. She was going to die, Bellamy knew she would end up leaving him.

Bad things happened to him, it was his life. Bellamy knew the risk he was taking, being close to the girl he tortured, but he loved her. Bellamy Blake was in love with Lux. She was his Grounder, she was his and he was hers.

Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched her die. The love of his life is dying; the only person he had loved in a romantic way, was leaving him.

It was poetic, really, that they had said their goodbyes but she had come back. Lux had come back -- and now she was dying.

An hour passed before someone came into the room. He checked Lux's vitals and tubes. Bellamy knew they were going to dry her out. Take all her blood and leave her body some where horrible. Like Lux was garbage, he knew she was to them, but she deserved so much better.

The guard moved over to Bellamy's cell and injected him with something that made him sleep. He was hanging by his ankles next to Lux. Bellamy knew he had to fight; he had to fight for them to survive. He had to fight for Lux.


Bellay gasped awake after being injected by Epinephrine, courtesy of Maya. Maya crouched down in front of Bellamy after he realized he was awake. "Who are you? You're from the Ark, aren't you?"

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