01// meeting

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The sky lit up as the box flew down to earth. It was spinning and on fire. The lights burst through the air as the ship landed on the grass. The Grounders were watching from their spot in the trees. Sky People. They invaded the territory of Anya.


Lux was walking to her brother Lincoln's cave when the ship landed. It lit a small fire near Lux, which she quickly put out. She could hear the creeks of the metal ship as the door opened. She froze, not knowing the technology they held. Lux shook her head at her own stupidity, they were the predators not pesky Sky People. She ran quickly and silently, to Lincoln's home. He was already outside watching the ship. Lincoln heard Lux approach and nodded to acknowledge her.

He spoke to her in their native tongue, "These Sky People will start a war."

Lux frowns deeply, but knows Lincoln speaks the truth, "Will you speak to the Sky People?"

"No, and neither should you."

Lincoln put an arm around his younger sister and guided her into his home. They had started speaking English in the safety of the cave.

"Have you been hunting lately?" Lux asked as she was quite hungry.

"No, we can go now if you would prefer," Lincoln answers seeing the look on the girls face. Lux nods her appreciation and grabs her bow and arrow and her sword. Lincoln followed with his own weapons in hand.

The siblings ran through the forest together, silent and deadly. They moved in sync and knew what the other would do before they did it. They reached a clearing, and together climbed a tree to shoot. A rustling of a bush was heard from below. Lux's head shot to the bush and she loaded her bow. Three boys and two girls were crouched down looking at a two headed deer. The five were in awe over the animal.

Lux clenched her mouth before speaking to her brother, "Can I shoot them?"

"No Lux," Lincoln shoots her a look before admiring the dark headed girl. Lux snorts and shakes her head muttering idiot.

"We have to go before they find us," Lux reminded him. Lincoln nodded and the two say their goodbyes before Lux goes back to the village and Lincoln goes to his cave. Lux promises to stop by soon before she leaves.


Lux was walking to Lincoln's cave some days later and couldn't wait to tell him the news she had on their brother. When she entered the cave there were many Sky People there. Lincoln was on the ground unconscious, a girl, the one Lincoln had been admiring, was in chains, and many boys were standing. Lux was in a defensive stance before a boy picked up a rock and slammed it on her head, causing her to fall unconscious next to her brother.

Lincoln saw the boy hit Lux and grabbed a knife and stabbed him. After the deed another boy with goggles hit Lincoln with a rock.

The Sky People left quickly to bring the injured to the Dropship. After dropping Finn and Octavia off at the dropship, Bellamy goes back to where the Grounders are still unconscious and bring them to the dropship as well. The siblings are tied up and start to wake up.

"Woah, they're awake!"

"Tie them tighter. The last thing we need are these bastards getting free because you screwed up," Bellamy snaps.

"Octavia, get out of here!"

"I told you he was protecting me. You didn't have to do this," Octavia says trying to get him to let Lux and Lincoln go.

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