Chapter Two: TBB S2E2 : Ruins of War

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"We are descending at a rate of speed that is most concerning!" Tech yelled from outside the net.

"Don't worry! The reentry thrusters should engage soon!" Omega said, trying to be confident.

"If they don't, we're all dead!" Echo responded.

"We might be dead anyways!" (Y/N) groaned.

Suddenly, there was a harsh jerk, and their dangerously fast descent in the cargo container stopped, leveling out, each of them slammed into the ground of the container as that happened.

"Told you." Omega said.

"Other than not being able to steer or control where we land, I would say this is going well." Tech said, as he dusted himself off.

(Y/N) heard her comm beeping.

"(Y/N), did you reach the escape pods yet?" Hunter asked.

"Er, not exactly. We're using an alternate mode of transport." (Y/N) grimaced as she broke the news to the sergeant.

"My calculations have us crashing towards the upper forest region of the planet." Tech added, casually.


(Y/N) ignored Hunter's yell of surprise over the comm, as she, Omega, Echo, and Tech braced for impact. The container hit the ground hard. Tech was jerked forward into the outside of the net, while Omega fell straight into Echo's waiting arms. (Y/N), on the other hand, held onto the net for dear life, almost getting thrown back into the wall. The group felt the container slow to a painful stop.

Tech grunted as he lifted the net so (Y/N) could climb out. (Y/N) shakily took Tech's hand.

As she stood, his eyes immediately noticed the blood trailing down her face from the long gash she had gotten.

"Stars, (Y/N), you're injured." Tech said, his voice tinged with worry. His hand came up instinctively, his fingers hovering just above the wound without touching it.

"This looks severe."

"It's fine." She started to say, but her words faltered as Tech gently turned her face to examine the cut more closely. The warmth of his gloved fingers brushing her uninjured skin made her shiver.

"Fine?" he repeated incredulously. "This is far from fine. Is this from—"

She winced as his fingers carefully pressed around the area, checking for swelling.

"I—yeah. It's just from the fall," she admitted softly. "But it... it hurts. And I feel a little dizzy."

Tech's head snapped up at that, his expression shifting from concerned to outright alarmed.

"Dizzy?" He asked, his voice rising in pitch slightly.

"You may have a concussion, or worse. We need to treat this immediately."

Before she could argue, Echo and Omega, having overheard from nearby, walked up to the pair.

"Dizzy?" Echo said, his brow furrowing as he looked her over. "That's not good. She needs medical attention."

"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" Omega asked, her voice small but full of worry.

"I'll be fine." (Y/N) tried to reassure them, but her voice wavered.

Tech wasn't convinced. "You will be 'fine' once we find time to properly address the wound."

"Thank you." She whispered, her cheeks warming despite the pain.

"You do not need to thank me," he replied, his voice gentle. "I will always make sure you are okay."

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