"This is a war we can't win."
"Then let's turn it into a battle we can fight."
(Y/N) and the Bad Batch are back, trying to make their way through the galaxy one step at a time. But as they struggle to survive, things grow complicated. Feelings and s...
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(Not my art)
They had gone over the plan five times. Trying to grab a package on the remote planet Aynaboni to get to Cid. Hunter, Echo, and Wrecker were handling that while (Y/N), Tech, and Omega were aboard the Marauder, ready at a moment's notice to take off if anything were to happen. The ocean was a beautiful aqua color, while the sky was clear. Needless to say, it'd be a beautiful vacation spot if it weren't for work. Omega was currently studying ship schematics out on the ship's stair pad, as Tech had set up a curriculum for her. She was still a growing girl who needed education. (Y/N) was meditating in the back of the Marauder.
"Does this unscheduled break mean you are fully versed in every ship in the Imperial fleet?" Tech asked as he picked up Omega's discarded datapad.
Omega looked up from the beautiful and clear water she was watching the fish swim in.
"Do I have to do this right right now? We're on a mission." Omega complained.
"That does not give you a pass on your studies."
(Y/N) chose that moment to intervene. Uncrossing her legs and messing with the armor pieces around her forearms. She walked up behind Tech and planted a kiss on his cheek.
"It's alright. Let her enjoy the view, she's been studying all morning." (Y/N) flashed a smile at the engineer.
Tech's face turned red before stuttering an agreement at (Y/N)'s suggestion. Omega's smile brightened and (Y/N) winked at her.
Then, (Y/N)'s comm beeped.
"(Y/N), we've got the cargo, but we could use some firepower." Hunter spoke, slightly out of breath.
"Wrecker woke the pod, didn't he?" (Y/N) groaned.
Suddenly, the comm picked up the sound of blaster fire and the shrill cries of the crab-like creatures that inhabited the planet.
"Yeah, and they're not happy. We need a pickup." Hunter answered.
(Y/N) turned to Tech, who nodded and the three of them started to make their way to the cockpit.
"Copy that! We're on our way!" Omega told Hunter.
(Y/N) sat down next to Tech in the copilot's seat, helping him get ready to take off. Omega grabbed her hat and bow from her before turning back to the stair pad as the tow line in the water started tugging.
"Tech! (Y/N)! We caught something. And I think it's big." Omega called.