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You weren't playing volleyball for physical reasons- you played volleyball simply because of the power. You played because of the view on the other side of the net, the opposing team getting ready to save, to touch, to score then their pathetic little eyes losing their shine when they failed to defend the territory.

You twirled the ball between your palms, the sound of rubbing like music to your ears as you looked through the net at the black clad girls at the other side. The whistle sounded, you launched the ball in the air, your right arm stretched then your hand smacked the colorful ball when it reached your favorite height. With a smile, you observed the ball slam inbounds, right in the middle of the incompetent Karasuno girls- their libero didn't stand a chance unless she wanted her wrist dislocated.

You got the ball back, your ears full of the sounds of cheering, and twirled it once again as you waited for the whistle. When it came, the ball was in the air and your overhand serve scored another point. Your palm was red and tingling by the time you felt like giving the flightless crows a chance to fight. Why shouldn't you? Your team was already sixteen to eight- six of those only your powerful serves.Let them fight. They'll cry harder when they fail.


Hinata watched the dark haired girl serve again and again and again, his orange-brown eyes intensely focused upon her face and the way her eyes seemed to seek out the weak and the, almost, sadistic pleasure in her bright orbs when Karasuno's female team yelled 'Don't mind'. In his eyes, she was powerful, something to be in awe of- not even Oikawa was so intimidating and he was a brilliant setter and server.

Kageyama smacked the back of Hinata's head, bringing back the orange-haired boy to the argument they had before Hinata's attention was seduced by the smirking woman.°°°

"This crows are so broken." You laughed loudly, your sports bag settled on your shoulder, as you passed by the Karasuno locker room. "Someone should show some mercy and put them down."

A few girls on your team laughed with you, others just frowned at how rude your words were. Your lips twitched as the sound of crying of some chick reached your ears- it was like the sound of friction when you twirled the ball, amazing.

"Tomorrow," you said, turning serious. "Tomorrow, we have two games. You better get enough rest, stretch your muscles and such. Don't eat anything too heavy or unhealthy, alright?"

"Yes, mother!" Your teammates chorused, making you laugh as they giggled at their little joke.°°°

Laying down on the bench and eyeing the bar holding the weights, you cracked your fingers before wrapping them around the ten kilograms heavy iron bar. At the ends were enough weights to make the whole thing weigh twenty five kilograms. Breathing in, raised the weight, then exhaled as you brought it to your chest. The action was repeated until you got bored and went to have a hot shower.The water chased away the soreness in your muscles and made you zone out. It was a momentary bliss.


You yawned widely as you walked to school, hands safely tucked away in your pockets. The early morning air, though slightly chilly, didn't do anything to wake you up. What woke you up was an orange blur on a bicycle zipping past you while singing about toilets and who he is. Your eyebrows, a bit unkempt since you haven't had the time to pluck them, rose up to the middle of your forehead.How the hell do some people have that much energy so early in the morning?

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