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You fidgeted in your seat, biting your lip, as you tried to avoid the eyes of a little girl. Now, if it were just any little girl- you would not have given a damn about her but, this girl was Shouyo's little sister and she was adorable. She was even more hyper than Shouyo (and that was saying something) but the moment she has noticed you, Natsu has been staring you down like wolf, just waiting for you to make a fatal mistake. Dear god, a kid was making you nervous.

Shouyo was nowhere in sight, his mother was preparing tea and snacks, and you were all alone with Natsu.

"Are you big brother's girlfriend?" Natsu cocked her head cutely, blinking innocently at you.

"I, um... Don't know?"

"Was that a question or an answer?" Oh god, was it just you or was she shooting lightning out of her eyes? "Cause, if you are..." Here it was, the threat. She's gonna kill you. "That would be sooooooo cool!" You were rig...

Wait, what?

Your mouth fell open as the girl grinned wider than it should be physically possible, bouncing in her seat as she talked about you and Shouyo and babies and, holy fuck, what was she on? Natsu and Shouyo's mother peeked in the living room, chuckling at your flabbergasted look.

"Natsu-chan," the gentle woman called, effectively stopping her daughter's babbling. "Stop making your brother's, erm, friend uncomfortable."

"O-oh, she's not." You stuttered. A blush lit up your cheeks. Why did you have to be so awkward?

"Mama, (name)-chan is gonna have babies with Shouyo!"

A thud, a loud one, interrupted you three. Turning, you saw Shouyo, bright red, on the floor, unconscious. If you were being honest, you weren't far behind him.

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