Chapter 6

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          The next day at school was going totally fine. Cas and I kept exchanging looks though, and I couldn't explain the feeling behind them. Sometimes it was a weird look, other times it was intense. And I swear other times, he gives me this look of... I don't know how to describe it... Longing? He looks like he needs something while he's staring into my eyes. If that's not longing, I don't know what it is.

Lunch arrived and I was walking toward the table with Benny and the other guys. I caught a glimpse of Cas sitting against the wall behind us again. He was sitting with Charlie, and they looked like they were having a good time. And then Charlie said something and looked straight at me. And so did Cas. His cheeks flushed a bright pink color and he turned away. Charlie looked like she was going to explode with laughter. I wonder what she said to him. Was it about me?

Anyways, I turned back around to sit with the jocks. Benny looked at me, frowned, and shook his head, sending me a message. He's trying to keep me away from Cas. I don't know what's the problem with him, can't they leave me well enough alone? I'll spend time with whoever I like and whenever I like. But I couldn't say that this time, because I just got here and the popular kids had accepted me and I couldn't ruin that. This sucks ass.

I didn't realize how much I was staring at Dean until second period. While our physics teacher was explaining Newton's laws, I decided to sneak another glance in Dean's direction. As I turned my head to see him, I found his mesmerizing green eyes fixated to mine. We made eye contact for a good 10 second before I finally broke it and stared down at my paper. I raised my eyes a bit to see him again, but it looked like he was writing something. Then he folded it and gave it to some guy sitting next to him. And he passed it on, till it landed in my hands. I looked up at Dean for confirmation , and he nodded, so I opened it. The note read, "Are you okay?" What the fuck does that mean? Yeah I'm okay!! I'm more than okay!  So I send a note back, saying, "Yeah I guess lol. Wym?" He read it, and sent another note my way. It said, "Idk dude you keep staring in my general direction. Like is there something on my face? Bc that would be embarrassing af lmao." When I read that, my cheeks flushed red. So he noticed that I was looking at him. But I didn't think I was staring that much. How much was I really staring at him? Oh my god what if he thinks I'm weird? Fuck. Right when I received that note my teacher came over to my desk.

"Mr. Novak and Mr. Winchester I will see you two in detention after school today. I'm not stupid; I can tell when people are passing notes." I rolled my eyes.

         I couldn't stop grinning. First, he stares at me, and when he reads that note he flushes red. And now, I get to spend a whole two hours with him after school today! This day couldn't possibly get any better.

         I have no clue what I'm supposed to say to Gabriel. Should I ask him just to be friends or should I kiss him again? Or should I ignore him altogether? Fuck, this I'd hard. I stand by my locker, pondering this thought, when I feel someone tap my shoulder from behind. I whirl around, and its Gabe. Oh shit, I have no idea what to say. I can't kiss him here, not in public where everyone can see. So I just mumble, "Hi."

"Hi." I just stand there, frozen, unable to speak. "Listen, Sam, I'm really sorry about yesterday, but I hope we can forget about all that and just be friends. I think you're a really cool person, and I wouldn't want you to leave because of something dumb I did. Again, I'm really sorry."

"It's alright Gabe. You seem like a really great person too! How about we just forget whatever happened and go back to being friends?" Gabe's eyes stopped sparkling and his shoulders slumped a little when I said that. Fuck, he's sad now. I always fimd a way to mess everything up.

Gabe took a deep breath and said, "Yeah. Friends?" He stuck out his hand to me. I shook it.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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