Chapter 9 - The Long Night

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Mike sat in the lounge, head in one hand, alone with his thoughts, looking at the TV, but not actually watching or listening.

I've done nothing wrong, he thought to himself, but I know I could easily have done.

What's got into Michelle?  Why did she flirt so outrageously?  It’s so not like her at all! How do I tell Kirsty?  And what about Grant, would he even believe me. He knows what I used to be like, before I started going out with Kirsty.  He’ll think it was me coming on to Michelle!

Mike had never felt like this before.  He had always done pretty much as he pleased,without really considering the thoughts of other people.  But now, with Kirsty, things were so different.

At that moment, Mike heard Grant and Kirsty at the door; he jumped up quickly and stood frozen, like a naughty boy caught doing something he shouldn't have.

"Hi Mike", said Kirsty, "Is everything OK, you look like you have seen a ghost".

"How's Michele", said Grant.

Alex, passed his gold card to the waiter to pay for the meal, and Kate finished the last of the wine.

“Ok, you ready? Let’s get going”, said Alex, I’ll drop you off in Calbina on the way through.

Kate had been waiting, plucking up the courage to ask. “Alex, do you want to come back to mine for a coffee”? Said Kate.

“Well, I think it’s better if I don’t, Kate. I have to prepare everything for the barbeque tomorrow afternoon. Are you still coming by the way?

"Yes of course", said Kate.  Trying to hide the disappointment, about the coffee invite letdown, from her voice.

"Great, are you bringing some friends along too", asked Alex.

"Well.... I've invited a really cute guy that I met on the plane and if he comes,

he will bring three of his friends...oh, and I've invited my second cousin Carrie.  I haven't seen her for ages, but she's crazy, you'll just love her Alex" said Kate as they walked back to the car.

I wonder why he doesn't want to come back to my place with me, thought Kate.  I though he liked me, but obviously not as much as I like him.  Or was I just trying to go to fast?

They left the restaurant side by side chatting, with Alex apparently unaware of the disappointment that Kate was trying to hide.

“No, everything’s fine” lied Mike. “Michelle is in the bedroom Grant. I think she is still tired out”.

Grant opened the bedroom door, paused to listen, and then crept inside.

Kirsty pushed Mike back slowly onto the chair and sitting on his knee put her arms slowly around his neck and planted a tender little kiss on the end of his nose.  “I’m so glad you could make it for this holiday Mr. Baker”.

“Why thank you Miss Hall”, replied Mike, placing a kiss on Kate’s lips.

“I think I’m ready for an early night”, whispered Kirsty.

“I’m ready for a long night”, said Mike, squeezing Kirsty’s waist.

“You naughty boy, said Kirsty, playfully tapping his nose with her finger”.   Standing up, Kirsty lead Mike towards the kitchen by the hand, let’s take a drink to bed with us.

Mike couldn’t help thinking back 20 minutes to when he was stood in the kitchen with Michelle.

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